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2530413 Sheerwater 22 Feb 2024 Hook Heath GB 6 months ago Running 11.643 34 Mixed 1
2485887 Brookwood 09 Jan 2024 Hook Heath GB 8 months ago Running 10.844 60 Mixed 1
2470730 Dorking 24 Dec 2023 Hook Heath GB 8 months ago Cycling 55.666 509 Road 1
2464378 Brookwood 13 Dec 2023 Hook Heath GB 9 months ago Running 11.645 66 Mixed 1
2461574 Sheerwater 08 Dec 2023 Hook Heath GB 9 months ago Running 11.891 43 Mixed 1
2455501 Sheerwater 01 Dec 2023 Hook Heath GB 9 months ago Running 12.001 37 Mixed 1
2442571 Send 12 Nov 2023 Send GB 10 months ago Running 11.547 60 Mixed 1
2435253 Frimley 04 Nov 2023 Heatherside GB 10 months ago Running 12.232 102 Mixed 1
2428172 Sheerwater 26 Oct 2023 Hook Heath GB 10 months ago Running 11.643 34 Mixed 1
2417361 Sheerwater 13 Oct 2023 Hook Heath GB 11 months ago Running 11.662 32 Mixed 1
2412016 Loxwood 08 Oct 2023 Hook Heath GB 11 months ago Cycling 82.305 870 Road 1
2396342 Sheerwater 20 Sep 2023 Hook Heath GB 12 months ago Running 11.657 34 Mixed 1
2396340 Brookwood 18 Sep 2023 Hook Heath GB 12 months ago Running 11.572 65 Mixed 1
2382018 Sheerwater 08 Sep 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.991 39 Mixed 1
2376971 Odiham 03 Sep 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Cycling 80.046 735 Road 1
2321130 Heathrow 16 Jul 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Cycling 61.473 282 Road 1
2260342 Loudwater 21 May 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Cycling 86.734 675 Road 1
2234977 High Wycombe 30 Apr 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Cycling 96.651 761 Road 1
2184543 Brookwood 14 Mar 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.678 62 Mixed 1
2116647 Brookwood 29 Dec 2022 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.797 71 Mixed 1
2110213 Philpot Lane 22 Dec 2022 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 10.898 38 Mixed 1
2107398 Brookwood 14 Dec 2022 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.825 70 Mixed 1
2091583 Wortley 19 Nov 2022 Wortley GB 1 year ago Running 12.157 237 Mixed 1
2085904 Reading 13 Nov 2022 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Cycling 88.744 616 Road 1
2072269 Walton Bridge 20 Oct 2022 Chertsey GB 1 year ago Running 12.345 58 Mixed 1
2072266 Brookwood 25 Oct 2022 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.261 68 Mixed 1
2047920 Brookwood 19 Sep 2022 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.655 59 Mixed 1
2027767 Horsham 04 Sep 2022 Hook Heath GB 2 years ago Cycling 84.879 1110 Road 1
2000791 Brookwood 10 Aug 2022 Hook Heath GB 2 years ago Running 11.618 60 Mixed 1
1997314 Brookwood 02 Aug 2022 Hook Heath GB 2 years ago Running 11.621 62 Mixed 1
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