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871133 Rondje Grevenbricht 24K Urmond NL 5 years ago Running 24.188 178 Mixed 1
2237904 Wighton 3mile Saturdays Lane Edginswell GB 1 year ago Running 5.842 116 Road 1
2184743 Torre Abbey 5km Torre GB 1 year ago Running 5.826 59 Road 1
1870486 Wighton Pen Inn Milber 10km Hele GB 2 years ago Running 10.598 114 Road 1
1870476 Wighton - Compton 10km Hele GB 2 years ago Running 10.157 227 Mixed 1
2265092 West Highland Way 4 Invernan To Crianlarich Beinglas GB 1 year ago Walking 9.533 326 Mixed 1
2598059 Bobs Hills Orchard Valley GB 4 months ago Cycling 66.324 1161 Road 1
2729747 Seneffe Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve BE 28 days ago Cycling 94.985 958 Road 1
2559952 Pluie Rond Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve BE 6 months ago Cycling 80.598 956 Road 1
2515644 Hiver Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve BE 7 months ago Cycling 62.403 655 Road 1
2659305 Bedford To Wellingborough Harpur GB 3 months ago Walking 29.356 276 Mixed 1
2563646 270324 Stadtkern DE 5 months ago Running 22.369 68 Mixed 1
2321934 Garmisch2 Garmisch DE 1 year ago Running 18.355 1060 Mixed 1
903589 Subi 22 To LCB TO Old Military To 309 Paris US 5 years ago Running 28.977 227 Road 1
2755557 8 Miles Royal Shores Trail Loop Kingwood US 3 days ago Running 13.485 45 Mixed 1
2728619 6 Miles To Bens Branch Kingwood US 29 days ago Running 9.934 32 Mixed 1
2699216 Week 5 4 Miles To KWLakes Kingwood US 1 month ago Running 6.553 24 Road 1
2699207 6 Miles Kingwood Lakes Kingwood US 1 month ago Running 5.151 23 Mixed 1
2699185 Week 5 6 Miles To Bens Branch Kingwood US 1 month ago Running 9.990 36 Mixed 1
2473049 Week 26 3 Mile Shake Out Kingwood US 8 months ago Running 5.035 17 Mixed 1
1038459 Lagoon 2 Run Goleta US 4 years ago Running 4.032 12 Mixed 1
2402622 2023 City To Shore 100 Cherry Hill Township US 11 months ago Cycling 162.517 569 Road 1
2402617 2023 City To Shore 75 Cherry Hill Township US 11 months ago Cycling 119.608 433 Road 1
1719522 Lock 29 South On Tow (19) Peninsula US 2 years ago Cycling 31.059 159 Mixed 1
2026858 VB 2022 Tauta Sigulda LV 2 years ago Cycling 47.967 488 Road 1
1709674 Clay>CSS Westmeston GB 2 years ago Running 15.301 152 Mixed 1
1483884 Fulking 13 Hove GB 3 years ago Running 20.831 485 Off-Road 1
1286191 Ghost19 Hove GB 4 years ago Running 31.067 678 Off-Road 1
2010628 220822 Bournmoor GB 2 years ago Running 19.386 178 Mixed 1
2756372 Gargrave - Barnoldswick Gargrave GB 3 days ago Walking 11.696 104 Off-Road 1
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