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904292 To The Beach 12 Miles New York US 5 years ago Running 12.177 18 Road 1
904181 VLife Loop 42km Taplow GB 5 years ago Cycling 42.512 210 Road 1
2621635 Barmpton Back Fields Harrowgate Hill GB 4 months ago Running 6.773 48 Mixed 1
2594098 Cockerbeck Loop Pierremont GB 5 months ago Running 6.777 48 Mixed 1
2522509 Sunday 15miler Whinfield GB 7 months ago Running 24.240 153 Mixed 1
2196459 Baydale Loop 12 Minutes Group Pierremont GB 1 year ago Running 7.093 37 Mixed 1
2361933 30 Km Passendale Zonnebeke BE 1 year ago Cycling 30.220 182 Mixed 1
2616360 Castleton Dundonald Quinte West CA 4 months ago Cycling 75.328 806 Road 1
2541174 Commute Home 6m City of New York US 6 months ago Running 9.821 24 Road 1
2498901 Home - Murrow Commute Kings County US 7 months ago Running 6.602 14 Mixed 1
2391094 Gerritsen Beach - Bedford Av - Ocean Av 16m Kings County US 1 year ago Running 25.962 57 Road 1
2383735 Gerritsen Beach - Ocean Pkwy - PP 20 Miler Kings County US 1 year ago Running 32.356 95 Road 1
2383421 Easy 4 Miler City of New York US 1 year ago Running 6.629 15 Road 1
2368610 PP - Gerritsen Beach 18m City of New York US 1 year ago Running 29.143 65 Road 1
2368529 Jamaica Bay? 18m City of New York US 1 year ago Running 29.231 77 Road 1
2106027 Idgie Pick Up 6m City of New York US 1 year ago Running 9.664 29 Mixed 1
2091257 Bk Running Co - Idgie Pick Up City of New York US 1 year ago Running 11.268 57 Road 1
2074666 Caroussel Exit - 1x Loop - PPW 13 M City of New York US 1 year ago Running 20.930 108 Road 1
2040948 889 Pickup 6m City of New York US 2 years ago Running 9.708 33 Road 1
1791760 Greenwood Cemetary + 2x PP Loop Flatbush-Ditmas Park US 2 years ago Running 22.547 215 Road 1
2693635 Skinny To Folly Lakes Skidby GB 2 months ago Cycling 1.659 22 Mixed 1
2560392 18k-UTSF-2024 Arouca PT 6 months ago Running 18.098 1290 Off-Road 1
2681740 Durmitor Razvršje ME 2 months ago Running 9.627 341 Mixed 1
2737589 Pipe Recce Albury GB 21 days ago Running 2.710 125 Off-Road 1
2698403 Corfe 12k Corfe Castle GB 1 month ago Running 12.035 320 Mixed 1
2289996 Bocketts Step Stone Mole Valley GB 1 year ago Running 10.906 208 Mixed 1
2267915 Bocketts Plod Mole Valley GB 1 year ago Running 5.981 87 Off-Road 1
2256321 Bocketts Boxhill Mole Valley GB 1 year ago Running 12.179 435 Mixed 1
2131604 Norbury Mole Valley GB 1 year ago Running 16.566 332 Off-Road 1
2123009 Home 50k East Horsley GB 1 year ago Running 49.130 1185 Mixed 1
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