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2640356 Clare Glemsford Cavendish Cicular 11.5 Miles Clare GB 3 months ago Walking 18.397 211 Mixed 1
2635296 Cambourne Elsworth Circular 11 Miles Cambourne GB 3 months ago Walking 17.455 105 Mixed 1
2609699 Sandy Oold Warden Circular NOT RSPB 15 Miles Sandy GB 4 months ago Walking 23.532 136 Mixed 1
2579182 Bury St Edmunds To Kennet Linear 18 Miles East Cambridgeshire GB 5 months ago Walking 28.795 241 Mixed 1
2531268 Linton Hildersham Circular 7.5 Miles South Cambridgeshire GB 6 months ago Walking 11.766 139 Mixed 1
2528355 Haertford Ware Circular 9 Miles Hertford GB 6 months ago Walking 14.555 61 Mixed 1
2526364 Hertford Ware Circular 18 Miles Hertford GB 7 months ago Walking 28.387 212 Mixed 1
2515780 Gt Chesterford Research Park Circular 14 Miles Uttlesford GB 7 months ago Walking 22.404 244 Mixed 1
2491600 Shepreth Fowlmere NR 6.5 Miles South Cambridgeshire GB 8 months ago Walking 10.326 26 Mixed 1
2474954 Great Chesterford To Strethall Circular 9 Miles Uttlesford GB 8 months ago Walking 14.599 173 Mixed 1
2297110 Watton-at-stone To Baldock Linear 13m Clothall Common GB 1 year ago Walking 20.610 233 Mixed 1
1855251 Swavesey To St Ives Longer 10miles Over GB 2 years ago Walking 16.703 35 Mixed 1
1855243 Swavesy St Ives Linear Short 5m Over GB 2 years ago Walking 7.904 18 Off-Road 1
1831279 Soham To Kennet Soham GB 2 years ago Walking 18.807 118 Mixed 1
1734953 Hitchen Pegsdon Circular Hitchin GB 2 years ago Walking 21.862 238 Mixed 1
2624707 E. Cambridge Quy Water Circular 10.5 Miles 4 months ago Walking 16.923 46 Mixed 1
2727512 1 Norfolk Park GB 28 days ago Running 4.956 125 Mixed 1
2720808 Bristol St Paul's GB 1 month ago Running 5.024 28 Mixed 1
2530914 Phil's Entwistle North Turton GB 6 months ago Running 15.946 257 Mixed 1
2081996 Seafront Soapbox Meads GB 1 year ago Cycling 0.314 0 Road 1
2753096 Shorter AFC To Seaton Tramway Axminster GB 5 days ago Running 15.024 161 Mixed 1
2281549 2023-06-10 11 Miles Hardwicke GB 1 year ago Running 17.708 76 Mixed 1
2169121 2023-02-27 - 4.5mi Hardwicke GB 1 year ago Running 7.454 26 Mixed 1
2086798 2022-11-14 - 7k Kingsway GB 1 year ago Running 7.112 32 Mixed 1
2029512 BRRB 80 Miler Port Penn US 2 years ago Cycling 127.334 399 Road 1
1650678 Easy 17 Miler East Lampeter US 3 years ago Cycling 27.825 236 Road 1
2691330 Goor Véronne FR 2 months ago Cycling 33.681 1163 Mixed 1
2670814 LuikaCol Tervuren BE 2 months ago Cycling 134.629 1533 Mixed 1
2616893 Corpus Bay Front - Peoples T To Cole Pier Downtown US 4 months ago Running 6.998 31 Road 1
2562750 2024 Siesta Half Marathon San Antonio US 5 months ago Running 21.084 155 Road 1
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