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2662210 50km Millers Dale Ride Wormhill GB 2 months ago Cycling 50.373 1025 Road 1
2044650 Castletown Start Then Edagle Castleton GB 1 year ago Cycling 46.174 630 Road 1
2028449 Hsage Start: West Route Derbyshire Dales GB 2 years ago Cycling 37.624 623 Road 1
1880515 Xara--> Home-->Xara Sheffield GB 2 years ago Cycling 56.156 968 Road 1
1629214 50 Km Totley GB 3 years ago Cycling 50.602 818 Mixed 1
2371795 Long France Route 29 AUG 2023 Caux FR 1 year ago Cycling 55.822 908 Road 1
2371792 Caux--> Neffies-->north East Area Caux FR 1 year ago Cycling 39.029 508 Road 1
2634502 Maegan Circular Mawgan-in-Pydar GB 3 months ago Walking 7.361 232 Mixed 1
2568056 Cot Oak Big Hill Markfield GB 5 months ago Walking 7.172 155 Mixed 1
1713422 10 Miler Locking GB 2 years ago Running 16.131 141 Mixed 1
2544158 20 Mile Training Hough Green GB 6 months ago Running 32.318 152 Mixed 1
2502956 Lamp Posts 3.7mi G5 Hough Green GB 7 months ago Running 6.043 18 Mixed 1
1724236 Business Park Out N Back 4.6m Chester GB 2 years ago Running 7.514 30 Mixed 1
1600725 To Nettles On Road Central US 3 years ago Running 7.201 83 Mixed 1
2749371 Chisholm-MtRobRoyTrack Calwell AU 6 days ago Cycling 18.946 582 Mixed 1
2616466 Richardson To Cafe Blanco Via Lanyon Isabella Plains AU 4 months ago Cycling 21.354 230 Mixed 1
2554806 Postill Drive Loop Rutland CA 6 months ago Cycling 30.920 674 Road 1
1600153 Ásotthalom 3.22 Km Ásotthalom HU 3 years ago Running 3.410 12 Road 1
2305262 Sundat 2nd South Norfolk GB 1 year ago Running 48.664 238 Road 1
1613558 Tour Bordesly Acocks Green 22 Solihull GB 3 years ago Cycling 34.901 227 Mixed 1
2618724 Black Mountain Loop Gowerton GB 4 months ago Cycling 93.180 1321 Mixed 1
1599635 HILL - 4m E9 GB 3 years ago Running 6.104 33 Mixed 1
1861084 LMS To Binley Sydenham GB 2 years ago Cycling 20.983 202 Mixed 1
1858354 Hatton To SUA Half Warwick GB 2 years ago Running 21.212 246 Mixed 1
1599661 LMS-SUA-WRW-LMS-41-48-5-41 Leamington Spa GB 3 years ago Cycling 109.027 871 Mixed 1
1598727 Vf 5k King of Prussia US 3 years ago Walking 5.039 74 Off-Road 1
2697098 Athelhampton Sally Portland GB 1 month ago Running 71.724 792 Road 1
2696840 Athelhampton August Portland GB 1 month ago Running 73.896 851 Road 1
2614513 Bus To Green Park Covent Garden GB 4 months ago Cycling 1.609 15 Road 1
2594675 SH SALIS STONES LONDON VIA NF Hill GB 4 months ago Cycling 262.453 1960 Road 1
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