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2212878 Kilojoule Hakkemosen 5 Km Høje Taastrup DK 1 year ago Running 5.063 30 Mixed 1
2140209 Mærsk Tårnet Østerbro DK 1 year ago Running 5.282 12 Mixed 1
1869785 Mølleholmen Taastrup DK 2 years ago Walking 7.701 27 Mixed 1
2079992 Confusion Umtentweni ZA 1 year ago Running 13.897 227 Road 1
1773776 11km Southport Umtentweni ZA 2 years ago Running 11.005 188 Road 1
1773639 Pu Ti Seng Kang SG 2 years ago Cycling 9.846 101 Road 1
2416903 Psycho Person Long Run Old Town US 11 months ago Running 21.020 128 Mixed 1
2408011 Weird Ass 11 Old Town US 11 months ago Running 18.293 113 Mixed 1
2235507 VITP/Commonwealth 10k Saanich CA 1 year ago Running 10.360 154 Mixed 1
2747186 Rotary Trail Revisit Route Lindsay CA 8 days ago Walking 5.560 34 Mixed 1
2739602 My Logie/Queen Streets Route Lindsay CA 15 days ago Walking 5.626 36 Mixed 1
2723994 My Cambridge, George Street Route Lindsay CA 29 days ago Walking 3.851 19 Road 1
2715112 My Victoria Avenue/Hamilton Street Route Lindsay CA 1 month ago Walking 4.581 22 Road 1
2700124 My W,C.A.M.L.M Route Lindsay CA 1 month ago Walking 5.196 25 Road 1
2692502 My W.C.A.M.L. Route Lindsay CA 1 month ago Walking 5.770 28 Road 1
2663093 My Albert/Mary Street Route. Lindsay CA 2 months ago Walking 2.978 4 Mixed 1
2648533 My Glenelg Route Lindsay CA 3 months ago Walking 3.991 19 Road 1
2445768 My Final Route For 2023 Fitness Walking Year Lindsay CA 10 months ago Walking 9.261 54 Road 1
2430530 My Colborne/ Cambridge Street Route Lindsay CA 10 months ago Walking 3.802 17 Road 1
2405453 My Colborne / Adelaide Street Route Lindsay CA 11 months ago Walking 5.698 26 Road 1
2384493 My Mills Street Route Lindsay CA 1 year ago Walking 2.909 11 Road 1
2377231 My St Lawrence Street Route Lindsay CA 1 year ago Walking 3.158 11 Road 1
2168646 Moycullen To Tarrea Marathon IE 1 year ago Running 42.320 190 Road 1
2308212 Hassock/burgess Hill/splash Westmeston GB 1 year ago Running 21.541 225 Mixed 1
1644554 Pizza Slice 5km Lorraine Manor ZA 3 years ago Running 5.053 43 Road 1
2755460 Autour De Ventron Ventron FR 8 hours ago Cycling 37.085 1477 Mixed 1
1644023 Hector Bike Kingtston Kingston upon Thames GB 3 years ago Cycling 15.591 77 Road 1
2650765 Drive Oakes GB 3 months ago Walking 13.112 343 Road 1
2736826 Carlisle-Langholm Botcherby GB 17 days ago Cycling 161.816 1945 Road 1
2639149 Palatine Pedal NE Recce Aykley Heads GB 3 months ago Cycling 85.791 817 Mixed 1
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