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2299516 1.5 Mile Farmington Hills US 1 year ago Running 2.909 10 Road 1
2474775 32k Ward 92 Venkateshwara Colony IN 8 months ago Running 32.105 388 Road 1
2312920 8 Mile Montauk Lakeland Ocean Loop Town of Islip US 1 year ago Running 12.942 39 Road 1
2312016 Another 4 Mile Ronk Route Town of Islip US 1 year ago Running 6.458 41 Road 1
2680858 27km Trail Havercroft with Cold Hiendley GB 2 months ago Running 27.041 287 Mixed 1
2680855 Trail Nearly 10k Havercroft with Cold Hiendley GB 2 months ago Running 9.711 107 Mixed 1
2522476 Half From Bannatyne Outwood GB 7 months ago Running 22.768 188 Mixed 1
2478387 4ish Mile Hawksworth GB 8 months ago Running 6.752 31 Off-Road 1
2333090 26kish Havercroft with Cold Hiendley GB 1 year ago Running 26.902 292 Mixed 1
2298895 Woolacombe Beach Walk Mortehoe GB 1 year ago Walking 1.506 19 Mixed 1
2757193 Golf Course Road Old Milton GB 1 day ago Walking 3.871 55 Mixed 1
2684044 Oberon To Capertree Oberon AU 2 months ago Motorcycling 100.714 1929 Mixed 1
2313706 RUSS TO NIMROD US 1 year ago Cycling 137.009 841 Road 1
2298245 Winterton Winterton GB 1 year ago Running 5.929 22 Mixed 1
2689404 Wiswell & Pendleton 8km Ribble Valley GB 2 months ago Running 8.063 100 Road 1
2689403 Wiswell & Pendleton 9k Ribble Valley GB 2 months ago Running 9.201 123 Road 1
2688877 Clitheroe Industrial 12.3k Ribble Valley GB 2 months ago Running 12.316 105 Road 1
2298078 Hill Down For Speed And Hill Up Slow Rhoose GB 1 year ago Running 6.628 90 Road 1
2565065 4,8K Kos Cengger Kota Malang ID 5 months ago Running 4.817 30 Road 1
2559114 Kos To Kos Kota Malang ID 6 months ago Running 7.103 56 Road 1
2381219 5k Sampe Kos Kendal Kota Malang ID 1 year ago Running 5.003 51 Road 1
2522545 Ridgeway East-West 06 Liddington GB 7 months ago Walking 22.579 265 Off-Road 1
2476612 Grove +2 The Wrythe GB 8 months ago Running 2.039 8 Mixed 1
2391212 8 -1 Berrington GB 1 year ago Running 13.197 68 Mixed 1
2327558 15.5m Berrington GB 1 year ago Running 24.950 173 Mixed 1
2312783 13 Miles 3 Berrington GB 1 year ago Running 21.188 155 Mixed 1
2304876 Half Marathon 1 Berrington GB 1 year ago Running 21.401 126 Mixed 1
2597935 Nation-Chevreuse Paris FR 4 months ago Cycling 81.657 703 Road 1
2357836 Nanteau 50km Nanteau-sur-Lunain FR 1 year ago Cycling 51.409 451 Road 1
2454515 Itchen Park 10K Mansbridge GB 9 months ago Running 10.226 124 Mixed 1
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