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2551231 MOT ~ Downtown Jewish Event @ Riverside Hotel Fort Lauderdale US 6 months ago Other 2.744 4 Road 1
2551100 Mckinney Tunnel Closure Coming From South Fort Lauderdale US 6 months ago Other 3.162 3 Road 1
2551078 LO Art Fair Route To Riverside Hotel From West Fort Lauderdale US 6 months ago Other 0.767 0 Road 1
2550447 CQ To Arang Singapore River SG 6 months ago Running 10.466 138 Off-Road 1
2555137 7km Leeuwarden NL 6 months ago Running 7.048 24 Mixed 1
2710275 Rundje Castop 5K Catsop NL 1 month ago Running 2.421 105 Mixed 1
2599081 Maastricht Mooiste 10 EM Revised Maastricht NL 4 months ago Running 16.463 160 Mixed 1
2550198 Draft Zandvoort Zandvoort NL 6 months ago Running 15.390 96 Mixed 1
2550173 Spielmannsau - Holzgau Spielmannsau DE 6 months ago Walking 13.331 1076 Mixed 1
2550213 My Milnrow 5K Lady House GB 6 months ago Running 5.161 73 Mixed 1
2754106 8 Miles Sudbury To Lavenham Sudbury GB 4 days ago Running 12.874 109 Mixed 1
2631045 21km Run For Moggie's Farnham GB 3 months ago Running 21.346 284 Mixed 1
2550719 Kiddies Loop Llanferres GB 6 months ago Walking 2.073 77 Off-Road 1
2550006 Hollyhead Mountain, North And South Stack Holyhead GB 6 months ago Running 8.447 351 Mixed 1
2549974 Ewell 10 Miler London GB 6 months ago Running 18.796 169 Mixed 1
2631147 Pencaitland Trinity GB 3 months ago Cycling 61.094 410 Mixed 1
2555000 Driesh And Mayar GB 6 months ago Walking 11.137 983 Mixed 1
2549659 Cairn Liath Blair Atholl Bridge of Tilt GB 6 months ago Walking 15.519 1727 Mixed 1
2549658 Ben Vrackie Moulin GB 6 months ago Walking 10.680 827 Off-Road 1
2549848 MOP TO THE GEORGE Langford GB 6 months ago Motorcycling 41.878 319 Road 1
2549709 Abbterton To MOP Layer-de-la-Haye GB 6 months ago Motorcycling 21.085 78 Mixed 1
2549500 Morning Walk Diliman PH 6 months ago Walking 1.571 8 Road 1
2696191 15k With 10k Flat Middle Upper Norwood GB 1 month ago Running 15.271 114 Mixed 1
2566902 25k Chelsea, Southbank And Back Upper Norwood GB 5 months ago Running 25.069 169 Mixed 1
2549483 2024 Fuego XC Trainer US 6 months ago Cycling 30.571 976 Off-Road 1
2549436 D2_AM_Taste_of_Lemmon_and_Saguaro US 6 months ago Cycling 44.921 738 Road 1
2549318 Big Aus West Point Grey CA 6 months ago Running 4.935 45 Road 1
2549309 22k Running Route Funkabo SE 6 months ago Running 22.262 107 Mixed 1
2662146 10km Race Port Fairy AU 2 months ago Running 10.152 64 Road 1
2635705 Very Newest 10km Loop Port Fairy AU 3 months ago Running 10.189 49 Mixed 1
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