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2511985 9.5miles Galleywood GB 4 months ago Running 15.390 109 Road 1
2367700 30km Canal Loop Knotty Ash GB 10 months ago Running 29.944 138 Mixed 1
2614824 Georges Cafe East Clevedon GB 1 month ago Cycling 100.855 1243 Road 1
2240906 TerraClean Pontypridd GB 1 year ago Cycling 48.290 972 Road 1
1948159 PontyBigHillAccurate Birchgrove GB 2 years ago Cycling 61.929 833 Road 1
2010964 Two Lakes Sylta SE 1 year ago Walking 6.753 52 Off-Road 1
2284217 Ulls Tri 4.2k Dacre GB 1 year ago Running 4.251 23 Mixed 1
1970572 Loop Around Stourport-on-Severn Newtown GB 1 year ago Cycling 59.214 677 Road 1
2381418 Sixmilebridge Municipal District of Macroom IE 10 months ago Cycling 126.361 834 Road 1
1604957 148_Whitley2Wales Little Witley GB 3 years ago Cycling 238.637 3427 Mixed 1
2130462 ROUTE TO MEKAH (Nepal - Pt I) IN 1 year ago Motorcycling 446.906 7430 Road 1
1992986 KM100 - Sibolga Pagaran Lambung I ID 1 year ago Cycling 33.389 820 Road 1
2589123 Winhill Crookhill 10m High Peak GB 2 months ago Walking 15.557 492 Mixed 1
2201350 William Hill Trig Eyam Moor Derbyshire Dales GB 1 year ago Walking 8.668 320 Off-Road 1
2072484 8 Mi Sitio Lima Carlsbad US 1 year ago Running 13.092 392 Mixed 1
2491699 Bar K - 6 / 12 Miles Oklahoma City US 5 months ago Running 19.374 97 Off-Road 1
2406498 Bar K - 4 Miles West Oklahoma City US 9 months ago Running 6.550 21 Mixed 1
1852096 East Wharf Overflow - 14 Miles Oklahoma City US 2 years ago Running 22.626 143 Mixed 1
2669670 CVCT Day 4 Area D (Cowichan Bay) CA 4 days ago Cycling 21.127 302 Mixed 1
2666015 CVCT Day 1 Crofton CA 7 days ago Cycling 45.638 556 Mixed 1
2405420 Railway Ave 36K Courtenay CA 9 months ago Cycling 35.999 255 Mixed 1
1348498 Point Holmes 5K Walk Comox CA 3 years ago Walking 4.956 29 Mixed 1
2048144 Tintern Chepstow Round Woolaston GB 1 year ago Walking 20.856 515 Mixed 1
2663347 Gateway To Balerno City of Edinburgh GB 10 days ago Cycling 9.564 173 Road 1
2661422 Tyrie Trig Seafield GB 12 days ago Running 3.978 74 Mixed 1
2602474 Dodd Fell Loop From CAM Hawes GB 2 months ago Walking 7.729 142 Mixed 1
2583911 Ladybank 5.6 Miles Kingskettle GB 2 months ago Running 9.097 21 Mixed 1
2570127 Dovedale Morning Run Derbyshire Dales GB 3 months ago Walking 7.459 221 Off-Road 1
2556038 6 Miles From Balbaird To Yellowhill And Back Gateside GB 3 months ago Running 9.642 199 Mixed 1
2531098 Fife Ness Crail GB 4 months ago Walking 9.280 96 Mixed 1
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