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2738723 Around Alresford 31/8/24 Newtown GB 21 days ago Walking 58.160 680 Mixed 2
2514305 Owslebury 5 Owslebury GB 7 months ago Walking 8.315 200 Mixed 2
2743280 Chateau De Seneffe Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont BE 16 days ago Cycling 13.464 143 Mixed 2
2194908 Saturday Circuit Bishophill GB 1 year ago Running 31.422 158 Mixed 2
2747903 Swinley-Barossa Half Old Dean GB 12 days ago Running 21.184 209 Off-Road 2
2730650 Sunday 5k Avondale GB 28 days ago Running 5.051 32 Road 2
2497485 Midweek Run Brambleside GB 8 months ago Running 3.346 12 Road 2
2510813 Pico Ruivo From Achada Do Teixeira Santana PT 7 months ago Walking 5.537 402 Off-Road 2
2682445 Lowestwater Loweswater GB 2 months ago Walking 5.879 73 Mixed 2
2698639 Long Melford Round West Suffolk GB 1 month ago Cycling 47.660 384 Mixed 2
2612577 Yorkshire Moor Fylingdales Round Levisham GB 4 months ago Cycling 43.836 937 Mixed 2
2420230 Dunbarton Round Balloch GB 11 months ago Cycling 17.595 394 Mixed 2
1931244 Birdwood Bakery Run Vista AU 2 years ago Motorcycling 84.278 1753 Mixed 2
1735785 UTCT35 - 11.3km Newlands Section Newlands ZA 2 years ago Running 11.311 621 Off-Road 2
2651384 7k St Stephens GB 3 months ago Running 7.152 86 Mixed 2
2633456 Test Route Bernards Heath GB 3 months ago Running 8.239 57 Mixed 2
2609918 Athena Not Too Wet Underfoot BHM St Stephens GB 4 months ago Running 4.869 57 Mixed 2
2533654 10k Wednesday St Stephens GB 6 months ago Running 10.018 97 Mixed 2
2759779 4 Mi Run - Atherton Sequoia Tract US 1 day ago Running 6.773 16 Road 2
2746925 6 Mi Run - Hillsborough Hillsborough US 13 days ago Running 9.941 123 Road 2
2745199 4 Mi Run - Foster City Foster City US 15 days ago Running 7.039 10 Mixed 2
2743162 4 Mi Run - Half Moon Bay Half Moon Bay US 17 days ago Running 6.669 70 Mixed 2
2739773 4 Mi Run - Burlingame Burlingame US 19 days ago Running 6.987 23 Mixed 2
2721973 3 Mi Run - Burlingame Burlingame US 1 month ago Running 4.925 47 Road 2
2713165 4 Mi Run - San Mateo San Mateo US 1 month ago Running 7.194 27 Mixed 2
2706361 4 Mi Run - San Mateo San Mateo US 1 month ago Running 6.572 24 Road 2
2703463 4 Mi Run- Burlingame Burlingame US 1 month ago Running 6.777 11 Mixed 2
2701231 4 Mi Run - Redwood Shores Redwood City US 1 month ago Running 6.885 12 Mixed 2
2699380 4 Mi Run - Palo Alto Palo Alto US 1 month ago Running 6.992 48 Mixed 2
2696090 4 Mi Run - San Mateo San Mateo US 1 month ago Running 6.101 16 Mixed 2
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