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2760527 10K Braids/Hermitage P1 Braid Hills GB 17 hours ago Running 10.012 94 Mixed 2
2755521 13K Oxgangs Morningside GB 5 days ago Running 13.311 151 Mixed 2
2740444 Meadows Loop Tollcross GB 19 days ago Running 2.301 0 Mixed 2
2740374 1500m Repeats - Meadows Southside GB 19 days ago Running 1.500 0 Off-Road 2
2731514 10k Nh New Leith GB 27 days ago Running 10.488 66 Mixed 2
2547195 Claire Trinity GB 6 months ago Running 8.372 78 Road 2
2547190 Cammy Granton and District GB 6 months ago Running 7.790 36 Road 2
2663716 To Banks Camping Currock GB 2 months ago Cycling 30.682 397 Mixed 2
2006291 Herstmonceux Bodle St Loop Collington GB 2 years ago Cycling 42.413 485 Road 2
2589604 Pozo Largo - Cervera Loop MTB Cervera del Río Alhama ES 5 months ago Cycling 18.156 538 Off-Road 2
2581647 Inestrillas San Felices Via Gutr Inestrillas ES 5 months ago Cycling 22.662 743 Off-Road 2
2579956 Cervera Valdegutur Walk Cervera del Río Alhama ES 5 months ago Walking 20.028 689 Off-Road 2
2412137 Almajano Loop Almajano ES 11 months ago Cycling 69.847 1359 Road 2
2711532 10k - Cafe Stops Possible Brading GB 1 month ago Walking 9.998 191 Mixed 2
2649270 16.5k - From Yard Home Brading GB 3 months ago Cycling 16.468 244 Mixed 2
2649256 7k -St.helens St. Helens GB 3 months ago Running 6.932 112 Mixed 2
2641332 9k - Snellens, Bembride & Brading St. Helens GB 3 months ago Running 9.194 100 Mixed 2
2630236 From Work - Bembridge Loop 6k Bembridge GB 4 months ago Running 5.962 57 Mixed 2
2591490 4.8k Wellow Yarmouth GB 5 months ago Walking 4.801 178 Off-Road 2
2590382 14k Brading GB 5 months ago Cycling 14.252 160 Mixed 2
2581680 5.3k Binstead Way Weeks GB 5 months ago Running 5.303 86 Mixed 2
2578500 5k Weeks GB 5 months ago Running 5.043 73 Mixed 2
2577416 Pt 2 - 22 PS - 7 WD Whippingham GB 5 months ago Walking 3.491 56 Mixed 2
2546731 20k Weeks GB 6 months ago Cycling 19.608 188 Mixed 2
2543522 3.8k - Church, Spencer & Primry Scl Weeks GB 6 months ago Running 3.806 63 Road 2
2543450 8km - Stroudwood & Binstead Weeks GB 6 months ago Cycling 8.067 125 Road 2
2541378 5.3k - Upton, Playlane & Track-Binstead & Past RH Weeks GB 6 months ago Running 5.318 81 Mixed 2
2541326 5k - DoverSt, Spencer Rd & Back Of Pri.Sch Weeks GB 6 months ago Running 5.068 73 Road 2
2582624 Ktr 7 Km Pindamonhangaba BR 5 months ago Running 6.547 273 Mixed 2
2551606 Monte Verde 13 Km Camanducaia BR 6 months ago Running 13.099 660 Mixed 2
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