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2650145 Rob Roy Way Pitlochry GB 22 days ago Running 126.898 2826 Mixed 1
2649581 C2CE2WBD14 Ennerdale Bridge St Bees Ennerdale and Kinniside GB 23 days ago Walking 22.007 526 Mixed 1
2649579 C2CE2WBD13 Borrowdale Ennerdale Bridge Rosthwaite GB 23 days ago Walking 25.427 757 Mixed 1
2649574 C2CE2WBD10 Burnbanks Patterdale Bampton Grange GB 23 days ago Walking 17.666 793 Mixed 1
2649566 C2CE2WBD6 Reeth Keld Reeth, Fremington and Healaugh GB 23 days ago Walking 17.899 740 Mixed 1
2649561 C2CE2WBD4 Lordstones Danby Wiske Bilsdale Midcable GB 23 days ago Walking 26.331 405 Mixed 1
2649556 C2CE2WBD2 Littlebeck Glaisdale Moor Eskdaleside cum Ugglebarnby GB 23 days ago Walking 16.084 531 Mixed 1
2644551 C2CBD6 Burnbanks Kirkby Stephen Bampton Grange GB 27 days ago Walking 37.415 803 Mixed 1
2638373 DBPD3 Buckden Cowgill Via Wold Fell 18.612 Buckden GB 1 month ago Walking 29.953 656 Mixed 1
2637544 DBPD5 Bramaskew Burneside 10.325 Sedbergh GB 1 month ago Walking 16.617 360 Mixed 1
2637492 DBPD2 Appletreewick Buckden 15.136 Appletreewick GB 1 month ago Walking 24.359 400 Mixed 1
2621663 DBO - Dufton High Cup Nick 9.309 Dufton GB 1 month ago Walking 14.981 513 Mixed 1
2613632 LBID2 - Angle Tarn Wasdale NT Campsite 8.072 Borrowdale GB 1 month ago Walking 12.991 995 Mixed 1
2612656 LAL - Gummers How Cartmell Fiddler Hall 9.083 Staveley-in-Cartmel GB 1 month ago Walking 14.618 470 Mixed 1
2504347 DBN - Garsdale Aye Gill Pike Dentdale Sedbergh GB 5 months ago Walking 22.307 579 Mixed 1
2491375 DGI - Stainforth Penyghent Horton Stainforth GB 5 months ago Walking 19.151 655 Mixed 1
2491343 NAT - Burnmouth Marshal Meadows Burnmouth GB 5 months ago Walking 11.416 296 Mixed 1
2491304 NYPB - Danes Dyke Bridlington Fraisthorpe Flamborough GB 5 months ago Walking 18.190 169 Mixed 1
2491191 NASA - Cambois Blyth East Bedlington GB 5 months ago Walking 8.458 62 Mixed 1
2491076 DGG - Black Hill Bolton Abbey The Strid Halton East GB 5 months ago Walking 14.672 352 Mixed 1
2491059 DGE - Gargrave Airton Winterburn Reservoir Gargrave GB 5 months ago Walking 19.236 301 Mixed 1
2491022 HHA - Humber Bridge Hessle Hull Hessle GB 5 months ago Walking 23.773 131 Mixed 1
2352465 Hope 100 Training Howley GB 10 months ago Walking 1.893 6 Mixed 1
2456694 Local Tidenham To Tintern 9 Miles Tidenham GB 7 months ago Walking 15.573 445 Mixed 1
2356582 Audax Moggil Loop 50k + 600m Toowong AU 10 months ago Cycling 50.873 752 Mixed 1
2505877 Kids 1 Mile Route Skerries IE 5 months ago Running 1.609 16 Mixed 1
2465227 Sembawang 2 Bishan Park 2 Woodlands SG 6 months ago Cycling 24.536 256 Mixed 1
2359745 K&L Route Rosewell GB 10 months ago Cycling 103.197 1202 Mixed 1
2526845 AJMAN ITT الزوراء AE 4 months ago Cycling 6.051 37 Road 1
2477040 AL HANYAH - WADI MAIDAQ Ramlah AE 6 months ago Running 25.508 448 Mixed 1
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