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1650424 Gravel Route 2 Big Creek US 3 years ago Cycling 102.950 2223 Mixed 3
2430644 UpHill 13kCorcovado Cosme Velho BR 10 months ago Running 13.308 1014 Mixed 3
2307659 Circuito Pague Menos Piracicaba 10k Clube de Campo BR 1 year ago Running 10.104 121 Mixed 3
2145478 XTerra 10k IG Angra dos Reis BR 1 year ago Running 10.238 469 Off-Road 3
2049686 Torre SBT - Nova Friburgo Cascatinha BR 1 year ago Walking 7.035 770 Mixed 3
2027264 Trirex 42k Brotas BR 2 years ago Running 42.276 776 Off-Road 3
1743620 Wolf 30k Charqueada BR 2 years ago Cycling 29.297 864 Off-Road 3
1713565 Ouro Preto A Sto A Leite 1 Dia Centro BR 2 years ago Cycling 45.029 1411 Off-Road 3
1479185 Rota Gioconda-Godinho Guamium BR 3 years ago Cycling 20.260 259 Off-Road 3
1384766 Patrimonio1 Brotas BR 3 years ago Running 37.859 820 Off-Road 3
1201820 Trek In City Jaraguá BR 4 years ago Walking 11.016 170 Road 3
2003701 Lea Valley Walk Marsh Farm GB 2 years ago Walking 84.745 362 Off-Road 3
2282444 Octopus To The Imp - Last Walk Canton 4 GG 1 year ago Walking 26.283 848 Mixed 3
2274139 Fleur - Petit Bot - Fleur Castel GG 1 year ago Walking 17.692 282 Mixed 3
2248795 Fermain To Petit Bot St Martin GG 1 year ago Walking 15.606 477 Mixed 3
2241986 What To Do On A Bank Holiday? St Martin GG 1 year ago Walking 8.699 295 Mixed 3
2217884 North Circular Vale GG 1 year ago Walking 13.720 133 Mixed 3
2212150 Home To Les Douvres Vale GG 1 year ago Walking 11.426 184 Mixed 3
2203358 Grande Rue To Petit Bot Round St Martin GG 1 year ago Walking 8.996 183 Mixed 3
1935470 Beaucamps To Imp Castel GG 2 years ago Walking 17.399 340 Mixed 3
1935464 Imp For Lunch Vale GG 2 years ago Walking 24.529 380 Mixed 3
1919687 Cup And Saucer, Swim & Supper St. Pierre du Bois GG 2 years ago Walking 13.616 262 Mixed 3
1905385 Queens To Petit Bot And Back St Martin GG 2 years ago Walking 9.703 203 Mixed 3
1893285 Patois Wriggle St Saviour GG 2 years ago Walking 7.978 94 Mixed 3
1847522 Captains HASH - Walkers St Martin GG 2 years ago Walking 5.551 79 Mixed 3
1100015 Fairfield To Fauxquets Castel GG 4 years ago Walking 6.030 115 Mixed 3
1084182 Pleinmont To Shingle Bank St Pierre du Bois GG 4 years ago Walking 4.746 48 Mixed 3
1084127 L’Islet To Pembroke St Sampson GG 4 years ago Walking 4.877 29 Mixed 3
2305564 Lybster To Wick - Non Trail Lybster GB 1 year ago Walking 28.358 279 Mixed 3
2288260 Lybster to Wick Lybster GB 1 year ago Walking 29.539 1009 Mixed 3
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