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808551 FSCJ 2 Lap 5K Course Beachwood US 5 years ago Running 5.005 4 Road 49
1616350 DVCC Steady Route Sunday 11 July 21 Cockermouth GB 3 years ago Cycling 50.771 720 Road 49
1021915 Wed Breezers 5/6km Leeds GB 4 years ago Running 5.759 84 Road 49
861129 Breezers 7.5k - MOnday Leeds GB 5 years ago Running 7.650 98 Road 49
911713 Hottest Day Of The Year - Lets Do 18 Miles! Swadlincote GB 5 years ago Running 28.979 353 Mixed 49
794859 Driving Test Route 3 Sheffield GB 5 years ago Other 12.628 196 Road 49
1661779 IMWI Full Loop - From Holiday Inn Verona US 3 years ago Cycling 70.647 877 Road 49
1175388 Elm Creek 13 Mile Loop Maple Grove US 4 years ago Running 20.941 180 Mixed 49
2249786 Jacksons GC From Brunswick Wharf2 Buglawton GB 1 year ago Cycling 41.117 685 Road 49
738312 Őriszentpéter-Szalafő-Hodos-Bajánsenye Őriszentpéter HU 5 years ago Cycling 26.096 266 Mixed 49
1492737 Wellow Plaitford Loop West Wellow GB 3 years ago Running 10.815 114 Mixed 49
2553439 Recce Raid Trail 60 (2024) Emakhazeni Ward 5 ZA 6 months ago Running 64.818 1860 Mixed 49
1563628 Browns Creek To Gateway- Up To 20 Mi Stillwater US 3 years ago Running 32.192 262 Road 49
1286708 Prescott WI 40 Mi Ride: Starting @ Magee Park Prescott US 3 years ago Cycling 63.451 815 Road 49
735634 Six Miler Haverfordwest GB 5 years ago Running 9.905 133 Road 49
735408 Round Yeovil Training Run Yeovil GB 5 years ago Running 13.309 133 Mixed 49
1990289 MJ HM 11 Mile Diglis GB 2 years ago Running 17.772 69 Road 49
2155841 Plough And Harrow 2 Southdown GB 1 year ago Cycling 49.392 456 Mixed 49
1315021 Gustard 205 St Albans GB 3 years ago Cycling 32.472 359 Road 49
2038757 2023 LSU Wet-friendly South Loop 17.6km Lethbridge CA 2 years ago Running 17.607 409 Mixed 49
1353856 GCE-Batu Arang DB 3 U8, Taman Bukit Jelutong MY 3 years ago Cycling 90.839 1706 Road 49
732012 Walsall 1 - 4.345km Walsall GB 5 years ago Running 4.345 31 Road 49
2144199 Long Way To Lynn Loop Blueridge CA 1 year ago Running 19.651 693 Off-Road 49
1851084 West Knob Waterbag Horseshoe Bay CA 2 years ago Running 18.065 1120 Off-Road 49
1917603 Ballyhooley To Kilworth IE 2 years ago Walking 20.821 341 Mixed 49
1237926 EMW5 Alt Newcastle IE 4 years ago Walking 16.764 460 Mixed 49
773677 East MW3 Newcastle IE 5 years ago Walking 21.600 510 Mixed 49
730111 5k Run Banbury GB 5 years ago Running 4.720 46 Mixed 49
816249 Berjaya Times Square 5km Pudu MY 5 years ago Running 5.105 96 Road 49
1185947 Europaplatz-Laupen Bern CH 4 years ago Cycling 36.547 654 Mixed 49
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