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1378753 Volta Domingo São Roque da Lameira PT 3 years ago Cycling 64.538 1376 Road 3
1937902 Ronde Door Herzberg En Wulfen+ Duderstadt DE 2 years ago Cycling 68.106 530 Mixed 3
2570701 Langste Fietsroute Bivakzone Leuven Brussel Grez-Doiceau BE 5 months ago Cycling 47.206 323 Mixed 3
2007804 Wandel 1_45 Kessel-Lo BE 2 years ago Walking 7.156 33 Mixed 3
1138242 22/05/2020 Tiensesteenweg Rondje Heverlee BE 4 years ago Cycling 16.020 94 Road 3
1128211 17 Mei 2020 Wijgmaal Herent Heverlee BE 4 years ago Cycling 23.878 140 Road 3
1077678 Wijgmaal Remy-toren 10/04/20 Heverlee BE 4 years ago Cycling 21.435 72 Road 3
898379 Fietstocht 8/8/19 Archennes BE 5 years ago Cycling 25.756 240 Mixed 3
2006758 Monivea Ryehill Clooncureen Doonane Woods IE 2 years ago Running 19.603 82 Road 3
1784891 Charmilles - Saint John Charmilles CH 2 years ago Running 4.864 25 Road 3
2740449 CH3# Labor Day 2024 V2 Chicago US 18 days ago Running 6.059 2 Mixed 3
2740361 CH3# Labor Day 2024 Chicago US 18 days ago Running 6.311 3 Mixed 3
2373861 TH3_RCB_BDAY_23_v1 Chicago US 1 year ago Running 4.055 10 Mixed 3
2049442 TH3 #955 Lincoln Square US 1 year ago Running 6.156 15 Mixed 3
2677859 Red/eling/march/app/calsh/lepe/beau Redbridge GB 2 months ago Cycling 57.037 339 Mixed 3
2346393 Purbeck Old Town GB 1 year ago Cycling 54.902 720 Mixed 3
2259900 Tower Bridge To Care Park Victoria The Borough GB 1 year ago Cycling 6.907 25 Mixed 3
1980948 Pl2Burl2Pl47m Old Town GB 2 years ago Cycling 75.321 446 Mixed 3
2483554 Lauwe - Middagritje 9.9 Km Lauwe BE 8 months ago Cycling 9.982 47 Road 3
2482586 Lauwe - Middagritje 6.9 Km Lauwe BE 8 months ago Cycling 6.956 33 Road 3
2024138 Lauwe - Middagritje 7 Km Lauwe BE 2 years ago Cycling 7.313 34 Road 3
1756700 Lauwe - Marke - 9.4 Km Lauwe BE 2 years ago Walking 9.419 81 Mixed 3
1339192 Lauwe - 9,4 Km Lauwe BE 3 years ago Walking 9.429 72 Mixed 3
1960143 STG2•B360(b)110.1km Kota Kinabalu MY 2 years ago Cycling 110.262 927 Road 3
2711975 Co-op Via St Saviour's Hill Five Oaks JE 1 month ago Walking 2.927 51 Mixed 3
2515369 Grouville Bay & Golf Course La Ville ès Renauds JE 7 months ago Walking 4.915 19 Mixed 3
2488540 Six Rues & Handois Circular Saint Lawrence JE 8 months ago Walking 6.973 80 Road 3
2486674 Circular Route L2 (Grands Vaux Deloraine Rd) Five Oaks JE 8 months ago Walking 4.550 66 Mixed 3
2452102 Quennevais & Les Creux 2 St. Brelade JE 9 months ago Walking 5.031 87 Mixed 3
2446930 Grainville Circular 4 Five Oaks JE 10 months ago Walking 4.255 66 Road 3
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