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2375392 Brookwood 31 Aug 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.613 76 Mixed 3
2367726 Bristol Bristol GB 1 year ago Running 11.591 114 Mixed 3
2365042 Brookwood 23 Aug 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.628 63 Mixed 3
2360904 Grayshott 19 Aug 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Cycling 71.749 732 Road 3
2358759 Pyrford 18 Aug 2023 Sheerwater GB 1 year ago Running 11.331 54 Mixed 3
2356686 Brookwood 16 Aug 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.628 63 Mixed 3
2353023 Folkestone 13 Aug 2023 Lynwood GB 1 year ago Running 11.313 145 Mixed 3
2344773 Pyrford 06 Aug 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 12.733 103 Mixed 3
2334390 Fairoaks 22 Jul 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 12.700 69 Mixed 3
2319977 Brookwood 12 Jul 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.628 63 Mixed 3
2313285 Sheerwater 09 Jul 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 12.456 34 Mixed 3
2302684 Brookwood 28 Jun 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.628 63 Mixed 3
2297253 Newlands Corner 24 Jun 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Cycling 47.044 411 Mixed 3
2282174 Sheerwater 08 Jun 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.997 39 Mixed 3
2250811 Caterham 14 May 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Cycling 92.146 928 Road 3
2234077 Taplow 28 Apr 2023 Bray Wick GB 1 year ago Running 11.478 76 Mixed 3
2230069 Brookwood 25 Apr 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.628 63 Mixed 3
2226446 Basingstoke Lychpit GB 1 year ago Running 11.108 103 Mixed 3
2218249 Sheerwater 12 Apr 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.751 35 Mixed 3
2211413 Devil's Punch Bowl 09 Apr 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Cycling 65.428 731 Road 3
2211410 Brookwood 08 Apr 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.628 63 Mixed 3
2181875 Sheerwater 10 Mar 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.664 33 Mixed 3
2181872 Earley 12 Mar 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Cycling 85.899 678 Road 3
2175520 Putney 05 Mar 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Cycling 81.267 348 Road 3
2172627 Brookwood 28 Feb 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.654 62 Mixed 3
2167000 Brookwood 21 Feb 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.620 61 Mixed 3
2153054 Home From Burpham 11 Feb 2023 Slyfield GB 1 year ago Running 12.787 72 Mixed 3
2145046 Brookwood 03 Feb 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 10.861 53 Mixed 3
2142806 Brookwood 31 Jan 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Running 11.724 61 Mixed 3
2142801 Walton 29 Jan 2023 Hook Heath GB 1 year ago Cycling 26.534 170 Road 3
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