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1009857 返鄉2020 校椅里 TW 4 years ago Cycling 94.883 1886 Road 3
944966 1. 車城 > 高士 福興村 TW 4 years ago Cycling 58.320 804 Road 3
2376430 70 Mile Maidenhead North Furze Platt GB 1 year ago Cycling 113.590 1032 Road 3
906585 4 Miles Regent US 5 years ago Running 6.721 62 Mixed 3
1807101 North Route Out Of Weston Street Bermondsey GB 2 years ago Other 2.870 21 Road 3
1807093 Soute Route From St Thomas Street Exit Bermondsey GB 2 years ago Other 3.241 4 Road 3
1100593 Half Miler Bedford GB 4 years ago Running 0.818 4 Road 3
906504 DARTMOOR ROUTE 1 Okehampton GB 5 years ago Walking 39.754 1061 Mixed 3
2200505 19 Miles Hilly Bramley GB 1 year ago Running 30.685 431 Mixed 3
1024488 Bramley To Kirkstall Morrisons 10 Miler Bramley GB 4 years ago Running 16.118 122 Road 3
2493052 Alcester 8 Miles Alcester GB 8 months ago Running 12.931 87 Mixed 3
959023 Urban Park Leeds GB 4 years ago Cycling 19.120 200 Mixed 3
2637503 Thursday Group Run Storrington and Sullington GB 3 months ago Running 7.060 81 Mixed 3
2620395 LTR Storrington and Sullington GB 4 months ago Running 3.886 31 Mixed 3
2616112 Arundel To Thakeham Arundel GB 4 months ago Running 25.483 485 Mixed 3
2590088 Saturday Bedam Run Chichester GB 5 months ago Running 8.944 211 Mixed 3
2526813 FF 7 Horsham GB 7 months ago Running 9.024 145 Mixed 3
2508072 Cross Country Long Run! Storrington and Sullington GB 7 months ago Running 17.947 190 Mixed 3
2420219 Test @Thakeham 5.2 Horsham GB 11 months ago Running 8.404 119 Mixed 3
2410381 Saturday Group Run Via Warminghurst Horsham GB 11 months ago Running 9.182 150 Mixed 3
2388131 Springs Storrington and Sullington GB 1 year ago Running 3.873 39 Mixed 3
2356052 Tuesday Imp Run Storrington and Sullington GB 1 year ago Running 5.948 81 Mixed 3
2351527 5 Mile Route Chichester GB 1 year ago Running 9.186 144 Mixed 3
2315698 Ltr Tuesday Run Storrington and Sullington GB 1 year ago Running 5.394 58 Mixed 3
2307996 5Km LTR Storrington and Sullington GB 1 year ago Running 5.283 46 Road 3
2296465 Ltr Ducton Duncton GB 1 year ago Running 6.159 62 Mixed 3
2277328 Ltr Tuesday Storrington and Sullington GB 1 year ago Running 6.121 67 Mixed 3
2245272 Running Storrington and Sullington GB 1 year ago Running 3.432 36 Road 3
2245243 Circuit With Hill Reps Storrington and Sullington GB 1 year ago Running 3.779 36 Mixed 3
2217508 Ltr Storrington and Sullington GB 1 year ago Running 4.567 37 Mixed 3
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