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1237176 Virtual 10km Route Marlborough ZW 4 years ago Running 10.375 57 Road 3
1029414 Exide/Striders Half 4 Harare ZW 4 years ago Running 21.292 246 Road 3
2689637 Stu ! Old Catton GB 2 months ago Running 3.859 27 Road 3
2656326 Monday Night Route 1 New Catton GB 3 months ago Running 5.273 34 Road 3
2592979 Home To GKVK Arkavathy Layout IN 5 months ago Running 12.625 111 Road 3
1191221 7km AG Aalborg DK 4 years ago Running 6.970 16 Mixed 3
1077608 8,2 Aalborg DK 4 years ago Running 8.276 18 Mixed 3
1230670 Boucle Ugine Col De La +fry Col DeS Aravis Flumet Ugine FR 4 years ago Cycling 72.032 2145 Road 3
988986 Holyoke Transportation Center Holyoke US 4 years ago Walking 2.153 5 Road 3
2037109 65 West To East Hull CA 2 years ago Other 2.341 47 Mixed 3
988982 Not In The Dark!! Hedge End GB 4 years ago Running 26.225 287 Road 3
2679130 LLC Leg 5 Blackburn To Chorley Queen's Park GB 2 months ago Cycling 16.628 81 Mixed 3
2679036 LLC Leg 1 Leeds To Bingley Lovell Park GB 2 months ago Cycling 28.502 184 Mixed 3
2670128 16 Km Grøn Rute MB 24 Knebel DK 2 months ago Horse Riding 16.763 290 Mixed 3
2670123 24 Km Rød Rute MB 24 Knebel DK 2 months ago Horse Riding 24.243 447 Mixed 3
2655942 Lake Раменское RU 3 months ago Running 2.481 40 Off-Road 3
2586786 Alone Huby Haxby South Bank GB 5 months ago Cycling 60.979 198 Mixed 3
2525059 3 Hornsea - Robin Hood's Bay Hornsea GB 7 months ago Cycling 85.462 768 Mixed 3
2498308 Sheriff Hutton From Stockton Lane Heworth GB 8 months ago Cycling 41.103 161 Road 3
2342827 Wetherby Loop South Bank GB 1 year ago Cycling 55.060 258 Mixed 3
2285710 Escrick Stillingfleet Bisholpthorpe South Bank GB 1 year ago Cycling 31.616 115 Mixed 3
2285706 Solar System Selby Garden Escrick Stillingfleet South Bank GB 1 year ago Cycling 51.109 165 Mixed 3
1737478 Day 1 York - Hornsea Middlethorpe GB 2 years ago Cycling 106.492 574 Mixed 3
1880945 Pine View Walk Gunnislake GB 2 years ago Walking 10.580 252 Mixed 3
1880941 Pine View 5km Gunnislake GB 2 years ago Running 5.195 167 Mixed 3
1717915 Wistmans Postbridge GB 2 years ago Running 4.677 107 Mixed 3
1551131 Glengarry Run Wellway Park ZA 3 years ago Running 11.367 135 Mixed 3
2708352 DUCK East Suffolk GB 1 month ago Cycling 21.357 170 Mixed 3
2305550 The New Buxton Heights Bollinbrook GB 1 year ago Running 8.342 175 Mixed 3
2245706 Sutton Along The Hollins Bollinbrook GB 1 year ago Running 9.771 171 Mixed 3
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