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2260951 Superdrug, Old London Road, Elphiston St Leonards Green GB 1 year ago Walking 12.518 307 Mixed 3
2259273 Wallet 3 St Leonards Green GB 1 year ago Walking 29.132 754 Mixed 3
2230194 Hill Training 6 From Home St Leonards Green GB 1 year ago Walking 7.045 173 Mixed 3
2197859 Long Way To Doctor's St Leonards Green GB 1 year ago Walking 10.295 216 Road 3
2196802 Bloods St Leonards Green GB 1 year ago Walking 11.751 242 Mixed 3
2185648 Marshes From Home 2 St Leonards Green GB 1 year ago Walking 13.767 183 Mixed 3
2167902 Black Arches With Harvey And Wotsit St Leonards Green GB 1 year ago Walking 10.744 318 Mixed 3
2152691 Cooden Moat Half Marathon 2 St Leonards Green GB 1 year ago Walking 28.969 333 Mixed 3
2143086 Catsfield 2 Walking Wounded Catsfield GB 1 year ago Walking 5.803 80 Mixed 3
2141130 2.3 Miles Speed Test To Compare To Joanna, & Extra St Leonards Green GB 1 year ago Walking 9.502 98 Mixed 3
2105887 Cooden High Woods Inner Paths. Walking Wounded Bexhill-on-Sea GB 1 year ago Walking 3.237 54 Off-Road 3
2093315 Secret Pool. Walking Wounded Blacklands GB 1 year ago Walking 5.365 155 Mixed 3
2086453 1000 Ft Local Hills St Leonards Green GB 1 year ago Walking 14.115 325 Mixed 3
2067163 R Battle GB 1 year ago Walking 0.828 0 Mixed 3
2061173 Temp St Leonards Green GB 1 year ago Walking 1.670 69 Mixed 3
2058255 Battle High Woods Covid Hard Battle GB 1 year ago Walking 7.407 148 Mixed 3
2025138 Jack Park Hills Circuit St Leonards Green GB 2 years ago Walking 7.159 167 Mixed 3
2023702 2000 Ft Local Hills St Leonards Green GB 2 years ago Walking 30.053 658 Mixed 3
2022653 Barnes Woods 3.5 Miles More Off Road Whatlington GB 2 years ago Walking 5.634 124 Off-Road 3
2020911 6 Miles Local Hills St Leonards Green GB 2 years ago Walking 9.846 246 Mixed 3
2016996 Back From Castle Inn Pevensey GB 2 years ago Walking 17.156 142 Mixed 3
2012360 9.5 Makes Cut Short St Leonards Green GB 2 years ago Walking 5.647 145 Mixed 3
2011680 Local Hills 25 St Leonards Green GB 2 years ago Walking 11.495 277 Mixed 3
2010901 Local Hills 24 St Leonards Green GB 2 years ago Walking 14.188 349 Mixed 3
2006269 Doctor's Long Hills 2 St Leonards Green GB 2 years ago Walking 13.241 298 Mixed 3
2002911 Local Hills 3 St Leonards Green GB 2 years ago Walking 8.001 175 Mixed 3
2001820 Asda 200 Ft St Leonards Green GB 2 years ago Walking 4.365 69 Mixed 3
1991793 BP For Stamps St Leonards Green GB 2 years ago Walking 11.535 296 Mixed 3
1991238 Slhone Hollington GB 2 years ago Walking 2.889 23 Mixed 3
1990926 Sainsbury's And Stamps 2 St Leonards Green GB 2 years ago Walking 13.533 284 Mixed 3
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