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1619626 8.550 Heworth GB 2 years ago Running 8.550 14 Road 3
1441211 Plup Betanzos ES 3 years ago Running 11.625 322 Road 3
2630745 Castleton Castleton GB 1 month ago Walking 12.592 485 Off-Road 3
2608907 Bull Hill From Hare And Hounds Nuttall GB 2 months ago Walking 9.704 311 Off-Road 3
2591989 Affetside Jumbles From LD Eagley GB 2 months ago Running 9.873 263 Mixed 3
2465851 Affetside Christmas Run 23 Bromley Cross GB 6 months ago Running 8.290 218 Off-Road 3
2431503 Radcliffe Bromley Cross GB 8 months ago Running 12.454 111 Road 3
2398766 Edgeworth TT From Bromley Cross Bromley Cross GB 9 months ago Running 10.271 231 Mixed 3
2361441 Jumbles Slack Lane From TT North Turton GB 10 months ago Running 10.025 223 Off-Road 3
2298139 TT To Entwhistle 4m North Turton GB 1 year ago Running 7.122 117 Mixed 3
2260430 Cheetham Close And Quarry From TT North Turton GB 1 year ago Running 9.313 245 Off-Road 3
2205067 Cheetham Wayoh 3 Apr 23 North Turton GB 1 year ago Running 9.787 254 Mixed 3
2084824 Hog Lowe Pike Rossendale GB 1 year ago Walking 10.461 260 Off-Road 3
2032551 Whinberry Hill From BX Sept 22 Bromley Cross GB 1 year ago Running 10.310 275 Off-Road 3
2031989 Seven Hills Pike Close 21.5 Miles Sharples GB 1 year ago Running 34.500 963 Off-Road 3
2000556 Cheetham Close From Chapeltown North Turton GB 1 year ago Walking 7.884 195 Off-Road 3
1953092 Parlick 11 Miles Chipping GB 2 years ago Walking 18.457 734 Off-Road 3
1927808 Around Delph North Turton GB 2 years ago Running 11.186 285 Off-Road 3
1900289 Cheetham Close From BX Station Bromley Cross GB 2 years ago Running 9.443 228 Off-Road 3
2486808 Town, Old Basing, Popley Home Buckskin GB 5 months ago Running 29.038 252 Mixed 3
2411620 2 Peaks - Beacon Hill Burghclere GB 9 months ago Walking 3.480 148 Mixed 3
2189615 Abbots Morton Circular Wychavon GB 1 year ago Walking 11.565 146 Mixed 3
1975885 Boathouse WRT To Hefner-Overholser Loop Oklahoma City US 1 year ago Cycling 60.061 302 Mixed 3
2270362 Golgota 2 Strzyżów PL 1 year ago Running 14.500 155 Road 3
2186763 Góra Godowska 28km Strzyżów PL 1 year ago Running 28.318 565 Mixed 3
2167234 Brzeżanka 22km V 2 Strzyżów PL 1 year ago Running 21.856 446 Mixed 3
2167231 Brzeżanka 22km Strzyżów PL 1 year ago Running 21.924 499 Mixed 3
2109716 10,8 Strzyżów PL 1 year ago Running 10.874 87 Road 3
1740256 Wojkówka Godowa PL 2 years ago Running 16.022 378 Mixed 3
1514757 Szmer Godowa PL 3 years ago Running 12.407 246 Mixed 3
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