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908364 Winchester Long Hampshire Winchester GB 5 years ago Walking 13.482 142 Mixed 5
2708237 North And West Kitchener CA 1 month ago Cycling 110.530 811 Mixed 5
2702384 Weinerberg Bridge Kitchener CA 1 month ago Cycling 67.133 450 Mixed 5
2679559 East/North For Brent Kitchener CA 2 months ago Cycling 13.217 95 Mixed 5
2674865 Fast Home From Kinkora Perth East CA 2 months ago Cycling 65.213 389 Mixed 5
2574362 WCC April 6 '24 Kitchener CA 5 months ago Cycling 131.314 1100 Mixed 5
2515582 South And West Looper Kitchener CA 7 months ago Cycling 103.745 832 Mixed 5
2435528 Hammy Run Kitchener CA 10 months ago Cycling 171.874 1588 Mixed 5
2357158 Four Horsemen Kitchener CA 1 year ago Cycling 194.565 1513 Mixed 5
2299224 Mono Groad Mono CA 1 year ago Cycling 62.877 1142 Mixed 5
2297456 Little Tour Kitchener CA 1 year ago Cycling 32.470 224 Mixed 5
2252499 Bechtel XCO Loop Waterloo CA 1 year ago Cycling 2.634 33 Mixed 5
2226311 Blue Mountain Gravel Fondo Thornbury CA 1 year ago Cycling 127.726 1774 Mixed 5
2191211 First Tandem Of The Year Kitchener CA 1 year ago Cycling 15.674 121 Mixed 5
2155536 Railtrails To Bronte Creek Burlington CA 1 year ago Cycling 121.748 1154 Mixed 5
2110381 Day1 Of Festive 500? Kitchener CA 1 year ago Cycling 101.826 1000 Mixed 5
2082722 Ride To Curling Kitchener CA 1 year ago Cycling 79.506 570 Mixed 5
2078090 Lunch Rip From Work Waterloo CA 1 year ago Cycling 26.027 191 Mixed 5
1986137 Trail Of Shred - Calabogie Greater Madawaska CA 2 years ago Cycling 83.034 1475 Mixed 5
1974899 WCC West Around Amulree Kitchener CA 2 years ago Cycling 109.808 848 Mixed 5
1968927 WCC July 13 '22 Kitchener CA 2 years ago Cycling 96.979 802 Mixed 5
1968822 MS Ride Day 2 London CA 2 years ago Cycling 69.110 258 Mixed 5
1964734 St Jacobs Tandem Kitchener CA 2 years ago Cycling 54.963 384 Mixed 5
1865276 Crappy Guelph Dog Kortright East CA 2 years ago Cycling 35.640 203 Mixed 5
1760271 40k Quickie In Town Trails Stanley Park CA 2 years ago Cycling 38.377 344 Mixed 5
1566497 To The No Winter Maintenance Light And Back Stanley Park CA 3 years ago Cycling 309.633 4142 Mixed 5
1545641 43 Down To Blair Stanley Park CA 3 years ago Cycling 43.169 449 Mixed 5
1543659 Scugog Loop Port Perry CA 3 years ago Cycling 137.975 1498 Mixed 5
1543658 KingsKote Algonquin Loop Dysart, Dudley, Harcourt and Others CA 3 years ago Cycling 70.744 1183 Mixed 5
1427977 Fat Thurs Feb 11 Stanley Park CA 3 years ago Cycling 37.607 284 Mixed 5
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