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2184506 Kisl-6 Кисловодск RU 1 year ago Walking 6.504 149 Road 4
2183810 Kisl-15 Кисловодск RU 1 year ago Walking 14.568 583 Road 4
2250686 Arabica GE 1 year ago Walking 57.992 4057 Mixed 4
2541445 Hal Marathon Big Fish Greencastle GB 4 months ago Running 20.840 91 Road 4
2350054 Pen Yr Ole Wen Carnedd Llwellyn Capel Curig GB 11 months ago Walking 13.633 958 Off-Road 4
2200409 Worsley Eccles 6.6 miles Monton GB 1 year ago Running 10.822 73 Road 4
2193834 Lancs & Eccles Old Monton GB 1 year ago Running 10.961 84 Mixed 4
2183736 26 Pirita linnaosa EE 1 year ago Cycling 26.142 171 Road 4
2514646 Sonia's Cobh 2024 50 Minutes Summerstown GB 4 months ago Running 9.100 58 Mixed 4
2510041 Sonia's Cobh 10 Mile - 46 Mins 21 Seconds Summerstown GB 5 months ago Running 7.503 45 Mixed 4
2360918 22kms DCM Training Summerstown GB 10 months ago Running 22.344 121 Mixed 4
2331441 400m Wandsworth Common Interval_3 Upper Tooting GB 11 months ago Running 1.211 1 Off-Road 4
2191299 Wimbledon 5kms Summerstown GB 1 year ago Running 5.008 19 Mixed 4
2280782 Footes Lane To BSJ Canton 2 GG 1 year ago Walking 2.081 32 Mixed 4
2247108 Northfield To St Sampsons School St Sampson GG 1 year ago Walking 0.861 3 Mixed 4
2247096 Cobo Bay Hotel To Portinfer Castel GG 1 year ago Walking 2.340 13 Mixed 4
2247091 Cobo Bay Hotel To Port Soif Castel GG 1 year ago Walking 1.520 7 Mixed 4
2247083 HdP Hotel To Portinfer Castel GG 1 year ago Walking 2.163 7 Mixed 4
2247077 Port Soif To Portinfer Vale GG 1 year ago Walking 1.009 5 Mixed 4
2247075 HdP Sports Centre To Port Soif Castel GG 1 year ago Walking 1.063 2 Mixed 4
2247071 Hdp Hotel To Port Soif Castel GG 1 year ago Walking 1.164 2 Mixed 4
2222497 L'Aumone To St Sampsons Surgery Castel GG 1 year ago Cycling 4.752 17 Mixed 4
2208154 Coutanchez - Delancey Walk Canton 1 GG 1 year ago Cycling 1.958 12 Mixed 4
2208119 Performing Arts Canton 2 GG 1 year ago Walking 1.271 6 Mixed 4
2194150 Footes Lane Rugby Canton 2 GG 1 year ago Walking 0.379 1 Mixed 4
2187651 Etappe 21. L'Espluga - Igualada. 60 Km l'Espluga de Francolí ES 1 year ago Cycling 57.387 765 Road 4
2187575 Etappe 16A. Cantavieja - Morella. 42 Km Cantavieja ES 1 year ago Cycling 40.251 571 Road 4
2187015 Etappe 11A. Aranjuez - Huete. 108 Km Casco Antiguo ES 1 year ago Cycling 106.363 1434 Mixed 4
2186732 RTA - Jesenice - Gradež Jesenice SI 1 year ago Cycling 35.289 414 Road 4
2183689 Do Pinete (s Kolesom) Jesenice SI 1 year ago Cycling 60.921 421 Mixed 4
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