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1041030 Sunday 3 Or 10 Miles Mix The Docks GB 4 years ago Running 17.600 85 Mixed 7
1024554 3 And 6 Loops The Docks GB 4 years ago Running 10.779 35 Mixed 7
980179 Beginners 5k The Docks GB 4 years ago Running 5.417 26 Road 7
966485 4 5 6 Miles The Docks GB 4 years ago Running 10.626 45 Road 7
907236 Eli 8 The Docks GB 5 years ago Running 12.893 63 Mixed 7
904128 5 Or 11 Miles Gloucester GB 5 years ago Running 17.841 91 Mixed 7
846898 5k Grad The Docks GB 5 years ago Running 5.214 16 Road 7
784039 Beginners Week 9 The Docks GB 5 years ago Running 4.182 18 Road 7
760199 Beginners Week 5 The Docks GB 5 years ago Running 4.254 6 Road 7
756120 3 Miles Plyo Docks The Docks GB 5 years ago Running 4.691 26 Road 7
751927 Beginners Week 3 The Docks GB 5 years ago Running 3.839 24 Road 7
745112 10km The Docks GB 5 years ago Running 10.083 50 Road 7
1084890 10km Up Hurst Hill And Harcourt Hill (Hilly!) Oxford GB 4 years ago Walking 10.421 149 Mixed 7
1689526 Bike 12/09/2021 Allestree GB 3 years ago Cycling 36.202 395 Road 7
2560128 Groeneweide: Blue Route George Ward 11 ZA 6 months ago Running 11.234 361 Off-Road 7
2560127 Groeneweide: Green Route George Ward 11 ZA 6 months ago Running 8.978 299 Off-Road 7
1987105 Saasveld To Garden Route Dam George Ward 11 ZA 2 years ago Running 11.069 167 Off-Road 7
1605486 Milk Churn Woodham GB 3 years ago Cycling 98.797 837 Road 7
2713620 Runna 19km For GNR2024 Harton GB 1 month ago Running 19.082 129 Mixed 7
2595592 Short Run 3.5km Harton GB 4 months ago Running 3.549 18 Road 7
2528761 PHM 4.2 Miles Harton GB 7 months ago Running 6.883 38 Road 7
2374843 Test 5 Horsley Hill GB 1 year ago Running 8.133 55 Mixed 7
2372454 4+ Miles Harton GB 1 year ago Running 6.658 45 Mixed 7
734271 Onya Annual Brindies Stromlo AU 5 years ago Cycling 111.093 3404 Mixed 7
734191 7.4km Limmat Kreis 9 CH 5 years ago Running 7.443 30 Mixed 7
1545107 6 Km Route Naxxar Gharghur Naxxar Naxxar MT 3 years ago Walking 6.007 80 Mixed 7
1522288 Naxxar Pama Ta Qali Mosta Almost 7.2 K Walk Mosta MT 3 years ago Walking 8.345 69 Road 7
836841 Hiltingbury 11k Round Chandlers Ford GB 5 years ago Running 11.421 107 Road 7
734092 Around Red Hill Hughes AU 5 years ago Running 11.107 232 Off-Road 7
1784726 Wormley Wood Loop Broxbourne GB 2 years ago Walking 5.216 86 Mixed 7
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