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903463 IRIS 5k Turkey Trot Faribault US 5 years ago Running 5.086 35 Road 7
2326939 Ecopista MoNovo - Evora - Circular - 129 Kms Montemor-o-Novo PT 1 year ago Cycling 127.333 1337 Mixed 7
2000622 OliveiraFrades - SeverVouga - Cabreia Oliveira de Frades, Souto de Lafões e Sejães PT 2 years ago Cycling 58.356 1167 Mixed 7
1991589 Caminho Portugues Interior Viseu PT 2 years ago Walking 394.910 9497 Mixed 7
1966908 Ecopista Do Sabor - Pocinho - Carvicais Torre de Moncorvo PT 2 years ago Cycling 34.802 741 Mixed 7
1965009 Ecopista Chaves - Verin Chaves PT 2 years ago Cycling 30.511 220 Mixed 7
1905564 Teste Ride - Icons Seixal PT 2 years ago Cycling 14.831 149 Road 7
1860037 Teste Movel Casal do Marco PT 2 years ago Cycling 24.950 362 Road 7
1859483 N2 - Etapa 6 - Aljustrel - Faro Aljustrel PT 2 years ago Cycling 121.205 1622 Road 7
1859426 N2 - Etapa 6 - V2 - FAlentejo - Faro Ferreira do Alentejo PT 2 years ago Cycling 148.301 1911 Road 7
1592970 Teste De Percurso Bacelos de Gato PT 3 years ago Cycling 2.272 25 Mixed 7
1255496 Praia Aldeia de Paio Pires PT 4 years ago Cycling 12.902 165 Road 7
943559 Cic-90k-Loriga-Alvoco-Vide-Torre-Loriga Manteigas PT 4 years ago Cycling 90.364 2882 Road 7
1970538 WyeDean Relay Leg 4 Wyesham GB 2 years ago Running 10.749 449 Mixed 7
905463 Run Route 2 Cranford US 5 years ago Running 3.285 16 Mixed 7
917512 4Mile Route 3 Fosterstown North IE 5 years ago Running 6.474 30 Road 7
2554458 Minus Village Pula IT 6 months ago Running 11.357 293 Off-Road 7
2612681 Star Blackheath Guildford GB 4 months ago Running 10.974 187 Mixed 7
2360577 STAR Farley & Albury Guildford GB 1 year ago Running 11.437 238 Mixed 7
2301212 KGV Polesdeen Guildford GB 1 year ago Running 10.985 231 Mixed 7
2289985 Home Bocketts East Horsley GB 1 year ago Running 9.214 108 Mixed 7
2283499 Shere Pitch Guildford GB 1 year ago Running 22.409 515 Mixed 7
2269008 Headley Soldiers Headley GB 1 year ago Running 11.101 188 Mixed 7
2266509 Shere Peaselake Guildford GB 1 year ago Running 9.958 164 Mixed 7
2255672 Home 30k Shalford East Horsley GB 1 year ago Running 29.653 541 Mixed 7
2244760 Nor 9k Garlic Mole Valley GB 1 year ago Running 8.904 199 Mixed 7
2183133 Peaselake Leith Guildford GB 1 year ago Running 14.567 397 Mixed 7
2131312 KGV Effingham Effingham GB 1 year ago Running 10.019 100 Mixed 7
2116477 Gunpowder, St Martha Guildford GB 1 year ago Running 11.505 284 Mixed 7
2102367 KGV Polesden Effingham GB 1 year ago Running 10.255 198 Mixed 7
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