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1328942 Knob Hastings GB 3 years ago Walking 1.669 29 Off-Road 7
1280125 Zoë Country Park Hills Short Cut Hastings GB 4 years ago Walking 13.311 570 Mixed 7
1279076 Zoë’s To Country Park Hills Hastings GB 4 years ago Walking 15.193 606 Mixed 7
1277933 Derek’s Powdermill Walk Crowhurst GB 4 years ago Walking 9.572 178 Mixed 7
1272001 Guestling Half Marathon Tidied Hastings GB 4 years ago Walking 21.429 619 Mixed 7
1270835 Woods Corner Standalone Actual Dallington GB 4 years ago Walking 9.871 215 Mixed 7
1253861 Richard Marathon 5 WIP St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 57.854 1373 Mixed 7
1252607 Hilly Marathon With Richard Ibell 3 St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 53.701 1226 Mixed 7
1251875 Home To SLM Toyota St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 4.163 74 Mixed 7
1246354 Follies Long Route To Test Dallington GB 4 years ago Walking 12.501 262 Mixed 7
1245477 Little Galley Hill Memorial Harold & Edith St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 9.099 89 Mixed 7
1216244 Rye Harbour, Sea And Castle Rye Harbour GB 4 years ago Walking 10.176 24 Mixed 7
1187106 Fairlight And Warren Wood Hastings GB 4 years ago Walking 5.211 176 Mixed 7
1182551 Frogs And Quarry With Helen 24th June St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 9.752 128 Mixed 7
1178023 Wotsit To Hermitage And Dripping Well St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Horse Riding 16.004 538 Mixed 7
1172179 Helen Huge Quarry Frogs And Follies St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 43.807 1058 Mixed 7
1157070 Church In The Woods Ann St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 8.122 164 Mixed 7
1153759 3,000 Ft Marathon St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 42.922 998 Mixed 7
1135660 Hills 6.3 Miles St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 10.257 236 Mixed 7
1128928 Viaduct Via Sydley, Combe Valley Greenway, Marshes St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 11.278 130 Mixed 7
1125138 Asda Actual St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 5.208 84 Mixed 7
1102946 Harvey Back Home After First Hike. Round Trip St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 8.415 207 Mixed 7
1102340 First Day Out With Fiona St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 15.695 170 Mixed 7
1094731 Marathon St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 42.296 605 Mixed 7
1086812 9.8 Miles Church In Wood. Redgewood Test St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 15.699 338 Mixed 7
1085383 3.2 Miles Covid-19 Hike St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 5.102 86 Mixed 7
1074986 5.5 Miles Covid St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 8.899 229 Mixed 7
1053257 Quick Route From Hospital St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 4.276 30 Mixed 7
1051564 To The Colonoscopy St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 5.335 132 Mixed 7
1040659 Final Ridge Footpaths 8.8 Miles St Leonards on Sea GB 4 years ago Walking 14.294 313 Mixed 7
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