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2010159 Giant Ride - Hathsage, Slip Stones, Man Rd Heeley GB 2 years ago Cycling 76.982 1153 Mixed 7
1965031 Rails, Stantn, Worrll, Hillsb Explore, Wlkly Heeley GB 2 years ago Cycling 36.867 837 Mixed 7
1929284 Cycle. Fulwood Ranmoor Crosspool Redmires Explore Heeley GB 2 years ago Cycling 27.831 752 Road 7
1868407 Walk CT Lane, Woods, Constbl, Man Tp, Arb Heeley GB 2 years ago Walking 11.900 230 Mixed 7
1848086 Walk Brandon Park Brandon GB 2 years ago Walking 5.653 55 Off-Road 7
1776495 Walk Up Glead Rd, Leighton, Wds Both Sides. Heeley GB 2 years ago Walking 8.644 164 Mixed 7
1775967 Little Walk With Pups In Ecclesall Woods Sheffield GB 2 years ago Walking 2.567 64 Mixed 7
1775755 Walk Up To Wat Tower Thru Wds, Down Gaunts Heeley GB 2 years ago Walking 6.348 164 Mixed 7
1774159 Walk In Mist. Glead Vall Big Explore Heeley GB 2 years ago Walking 10.314 211 Mixed 7
1702226 Skye Edge Wybourne Manor Arbthrn Heeley GB 3 years ago Cycling 16.834 325 Mixed 7
1590104 Glf Crse, Nrtn, Drnfld Wdhse, Grenhl Chanct, Ct Ln Heeley GB 3 years ago Cycling 23.001 436 Mixed 7
1585664 After Bad Back, Glead Vall, Medhd, Grnhl, Chnc Wd. Heeley GB 3 years ago Cycling 14.678 275 Mixed 7
1441515 Walk Merl, Up To Park, Standard. Heeley GB 3 years ago Walking 7.232 208 Mixed 7
1438288 To Dentists, Up To Chris's Via Daniel Hill Heeley GB 3 years ago Cycling 6.323 103 Mixed 7
1432114 Walk Thru Nether Edge With Merl In Snow Heeley GB 3 years ago Walking 8.291 173 Mixed 7
1403744 Walk Up To Chancet Woods, Long Dark Homebase Alley Heeley GB 3 years ago Walking 10.675 219 Mixed 7
1387106 Walk Brum. Thorny River. Over Canal. Dead Ends. Perry Barr GB 3 years ago Walking 9.714 123 Mixed 7
1377270 Pissing It Down In The Woods Heeley GB 3 years ago Walking 5.421 149 Mixed 7
1372587 Lunchtime Walk Norf Park Sheffield GB 3 years ago Walking 4.412 97 Mixed 7
1361072 Short Dog Walk Round Cat Lane Woods Heeley GB 3 years ago Walking 2.163 43 Mixed 7
1316754 Rut Rd, Ovr Tip, Herries, Hls Pk, Low Wlk, Mush Ln Heeley GB 3 years ago Cycling 20.236 395 Mixed 7
1265690 Glead Vall Fleur/raebn, Owlrs Br, Totle, Woods, Hm Heeley GB 4 years ago Cycling 32.913 584 Mixed 7
1254719 Back On T Bike - Blckstck, Hrdngs Prk, Bochum, Heeley GB 4 years ago Cycling 17.388 299 Mixed 7
1227988 All Way Up Nrf Pk Est, Cty Rd, Lghtwd, Blckstck Heeley GB 4 years ago Cycling 19.053 369 Mixed 7
1225586 Redmires, Via Bot Grdns, Lydgate Lan And Back. Heeley GB 4 years ago Cycling 33.219 608 Mixed 7
1225563 Quick Paint Pickup Heeley GB 4 years ago Cycling 6.385 132 Mixed 7
1207074 Up Norton Lees, Graves Pk, Grnhll, Explore Wdseats Heeley GB 4 years ago Cycling 18.302 344 Mixed 7
1205370 Uttey Res, Back Via Orgreave Heeley GB 4 years ago Cycling 33.160 573 Mixed 7
1151602 Meadhd, Lowedge, Bradwy Rd, Chnc Wds, Up Vall Rd Heeley GB 4 years ago Cycling 20.666 363 Mixed 7
1126307 Big Circle. Meadwhead, City Rd, Prk Hll, Nrfk Pk Heeley GB 4 years ago Cycling 19.246 332 Mixed 7
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