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2760705 10 Miles With Woolhampton Upper Bucklebury GB 6 days ago Running 16.516 121 Mixed 7
2755458 Bournemouth 10k Stanpit GB 11 days ago Running 10.108 49 Mixed 7
2468885 Didcot 10 Great Western Park GB 9 months ago Running 10.574 59 Road 7
2428793 Kinder Edale GB 11 months ago Walking 15.957 538 Mixed 7
1736607 Wallingford 70km Upper Bucklebury GB 2 years ago Cycling 70.550 499 Road 7
1481019 Half Marathon From Home Upper Bucklebury GB 3 years ago Running 20.851 177 Road 7
1451735 Garage Home Newbury GB 3 years ago Cycling 9.691 110 Road 7
1431281 25 With Hill Upper Bucklebury GB 3 years ago Running 25.111 253 Road 7
1414378 Bradfield S-end Loop Southend GB 3 years ago Running 3.674 32 Road 7
1355752 Hills! Upper Bucklebury GB 3 years ago Cycling 26.935 295 Road 7
1195863 Swim Route Pingewood GB 4 years ago Other 1.505 1 Off-Road 7
2080182 Route With Mke Verwood GB 1 year ago Walking 15.556 148 Mixed 7
2658992 Bosham, Chichester Channel Using Itchenor Ferry Bosham GB 3 months ago Walking 18.166 59 Mixed 7
2465515 Penelope - Richmond Park, Lunch Pembroke Lodge London GB 9 months ago Walking 13.859 128 Mixed 7
2326023 Abingworth Thakeham 6.8km Horsham GB 1 year ago Walking 6.852 95 Mixed 7
2325835 J+JWindmills Ditching Beacon Lower Standean Mid Sussex GB 1 year ago Walking 9.516 238 Off-Road 7
2247917 Tenterden Bidddenden Vinyard 2 Tenterden GB 1 year ago Cycling 31.070 250 Mixed 7
2186425 Phil Hampton 2023 30m Inc The Yard Cafe East Hampshire GB 1 year ago Cycling 47.763 534 Mixed 7
2088952 Blacknest Gate To Ranger's Gate Via QE II Statue Sunninghill and Ascot GB 1 year ago Cycling 7.754 88 Road 7
2001384 Devil's Punch Bowl + Waggoner's Wells Waverley GB 2 years ago Walking 16.540 400 Off-Road 7
1973216 Loggerheads 67.4km 859m Ruthin GB 2 years ago Cycling 67.415 1008 Mixed 7
1943562 Friday Street Abinger GB 2 years ago Walking 1.315 36 Mixed 7
1887454 SnootyFox Eashing LittleBarnElstead Thursley Shalford GB 2 years ago Cycling 44.668 577 Road 7
1728338 Short Route Tilford And Hankley Common 8.7 Miles Tilford GB 2 years ago Walking 14.186 137 Mixed 7
1714985 Farn'm Hearn TernCafe Greysht Thurs Elstead Seal Farnham GB 2 years ago Cycling 56.100 740 Mixed 7
2378921 Dinan_St_Malo_via_Dol Lanvallay FR 1 year ago Cycling 69.417 635 Mixed 7
1195583 Half Marathon Amagansett US 4 years ago Running 20.886 99 Road 7
1876131 Sunday 13 East Hills US 2 years ago Running 21.410 156 Road 7
1255427 GR Half Marathon East Hills US 4 years ago Running 21.275 157 Road 7
1195109 PEASEMORE CYCLE Leckhampstead GB 4 years ago Cycling 12.953 158 Mixed 7
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