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136651 Commute Winton GB 8 years ago Cycling 37.054 302 Road 8
799252 Marbella Pizarra 56 Mile 6000ft Marbella ES 5 years ago Cycling 89.601 2036 Road 8
1920430 Angry Unicorn 290 Meter Loop Davenport US 2 years ago Running 0.290 1 Mixed 8
1890748 11.85 Miles Fig-8 Bridges Loop QC Moline US 2 years ago Running 19.063 80 Mixed 8
1769069 Miller Rock Via Ceran St Vrain Trail Ward US 2 years ago Walking 9.926 340 Off-Road 8
1430121 4 Mile Armored Gardens OAB West Downtown US 3 years ago Running 6.527 20 Mixed 8
1430079 4 Mile Marquette Park OAB West Davenport US 3 years ago Running 6.477 16 Mixed 8
1430066 4 Mile Empire Park - Campbell's Island Hampton US 3 years ago Running 6.463 22 Mixed 8
1430027 4 Mile Crawford Brew Works Loop Bettendorf US 3 years ago Running 6.452 62 Mixed 8
1300631 Princeton 5k 2020 Princeton US 3 years ago Running 5.017 56 Road 8
1164226 Credit Island 10k Davenport US 4 years ago Running 10.034 30 Mixed 8
1161859 Scott County Park 5k Loop Long Grove US 4 years ago Running 5.042 59 Road 8
1096093 DBC 4 Mile Loop NW Bettendorf US 4 years ago Running 6.468 49 Mixed 8
1089227 74 Bridge East Half Bettendorf US 4 years ago Running 21.220 103 Mixed 8
1053846 Lost Roads 7 Mile Loop Eldridge US 4 years ago Running 11.364 147 Road 8
1012818 8.5 Mile Loop From Fresh Blends Bettendorf US 4 years ago Running 13.674 128 Mixed 8
1012659 9.9 Mile Loop From Crawford Bettendorf US 4 years ago Running 15.960 134 Mixed 8
1002654 8.5 Mile Loop From Fresh Blends Bettendorf US 4 years ago Running 13.758 137 Mixed 8
946450 20 Mile OAB Veteran's Memorial To Emeis And Back Bettendorf US 4 years ago Running 32.193 233 Mixed 8
917397 Buffalo Grove Stampede 5k Route Relics of Olde US 5 years ago Running 5.201 30 Mixed 8
856256 Bix At 6 Route Davenport US 5 years ago Running 10.828 135 Road 8
851275 Five Cities 5 Mile Loop Bettendorf US 5 years ago Running 8.059 74 Mixed 8
810413 5 Mile Loop Bike Path And West Central Davenport US 5 years ago Running 8.047 79 Mixed 8
733343 Analog To Vander Veer With Loop And Back Downtown US 5 years ago Running 5.979 58 Road 8
727927 Hennepin Canal Trail - Hwy 67 East 6 Mile OAB Milan US 5 years ago Running 9.656 50 Off-Road 8
724921 Rock Island 25th - 12th - Cemetery - 31st - 17th Rock Island US 5 years ago Running 4.544 57 Road 8
721840 Veterans Memorial Parkway Davenport Davenport US 5 years ago Running 4.885 56 Road 8
374281 MWM_Route_26 Davenport US 7 years ago Walking 8.108 44 Mixed 8
335306 MWM_Route 24 Davenport US 7 years ago Walking 9.651 78 Off-Road 8
1996464 Emirates Stadium 0.52 Mile Loop Outer Edge Lower Holloway GB 2 years ago Running 0.838 0 Off-Road 8
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