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1729320 Toton-Fields-Loop Beeston GB 2 years ago Running 10.479 77 Mixed 8
1466881 CotgaveCP-Loop Beeston GB 3 years ago Running 35.155 126 Mixed 8
1167190 TrentLock-Stabbo-priory-|Hfields-bootsbri Nottingham GB 4 years ago Running 27.846 99 Mixed 8
885610 Gotham Figure Of 8 East Leake GB 5 years ago Cycling 16.475 207 Mixed 8
1002919 Easy 5km Bodorp ZA 4 years ago Running 5.128 32 Road 8
842408 San Elijo San Marcos US 5 years ago Running 10.225 451 Road 8
827464 Downtown Gaslamp US 5 years ago Running 12.713 30 Road 8
1990177 Claxton, Murton Stockton Loop 20m 585 Ft Stamford Bridge GB 2 years ago Cycling 33.337 167 Road 8
2507793 Windy Hill Whitehouse Littleborough GB 7 months ago Running 16.770 506 Mixed 8
1485578 Marathon Holes Bay X 3 Poole GB 3 years ago Running 42.441 214 Road 8
805614 Caney Creek Conroe US 5 years ago Walking 1.985 5 Road 8
1308507 Views Of Hughenden Manor Hughenden Valley GB 3 years ago Walking 7.262 167 Off-Road 8
899438 Camino Del Cid Castañares ES 5 years ago Running 25.955 388 Mixed 8
2167647 30km Loop Paddock Wood GB 1 year ago Running 30.026 99 Road 8
2576238 Cottage To Aviemore Boat Loop Via Loch Vaa Chapleton GB 5 months ago Cycling 28.945 227 Mixed 8
1605387 BoG, Carrbridge, Nethy, Ski Centre, BoG Aviemore GB 3 years ago Cycling 80.675 871 Road 8
1974315 Grimentz To Moiry Glacier - Return Anniviers CH 2 years ago Cycling 23.333 935 Road 8
1086192 Local Talent Feeding Hills US 4 years ago Running 3.853 29 Mixed 8
901862 The Boot Feeding Hills US 5 years ago Running 15.105 117 Road 8
822042 Blair Witch Run Feeding Hills US 5 years ago Running 3.053 23 Road 8
775112 8 Mile FM Albuquerque US 5 years ago Walking 6.571 48 Road 8
2143196 QQ Potential Penrith GB 1 year ago Motorcycling 230.741 3596 Road 8
1183606 Staples Corner To St Cuthberts Rd NW4 GB 4 years ago Other 5.854 61 Road 8
938516 Oxford Island Via Crumlin & Hillsborough Belfast GB 4 years ago Cycling 102.380 1076 Road 8
838931 Oxford Island Belfast GB 5 years ago Cycling 97.560 1087 Road 8
961841 Hiking Camp Part 8 馬鞍山 HK 4 years ago Walking 1.313 4 Off-Road 8
961839 Hiking Camp Part 6 馬鞍山 HK 4 years ago Walking 1.945 328 Off-Road 8
774940 ISTW Part 4 香港 HK 5 years ago Walking 2.869 215 Mixed 8
1180288 Bike Trip 2020 Part 3 Port Renfrew CA 4 years ago Cycling 140.260 1649 Road 8
774845 16 KM TO SPANISH BANKS Arbutus Ridge CA 5 years ago Running 16.513 223 Mixed 8
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