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1112506 Walk For Mum Stonehaven GB 4 years ago Walking 23.587 300 Road 9
2471049 Group 3 , 5 miler Manor Park GB 8 months ago Running 8.257 75 Mixed 9
1689091 Paul 20 Moore GB 3 years ago Running 35.448 222 Mixed 9
1207973 Short Run Uplands US 4 years ago Running 7.624 138 Road 9
1112756 From Home 6 K Route Nuneaton GB 4 years ago Running 6.150 34 Mixed 9
1112389 Ward Parkway Western Hills US 4 years ago Walking 1.060 4 Road 9
1114105 Fort 8k Templepatrick GB 4 years ago Running 8.030 90 Road 9
1513772 Cycle 2 Winstanley GB 3 years ago Cycling 5.397 54 Road 9
1112346 Bell Harbour 3k Erin Mills CA 4 years ago Running 3.183 25 Road 9
1142124 Leigh On Sea Thundersley GB 4 years ago Cycling 21.468 199 Mixed 9
1313734 Scenic 5km St Neots GB 3 years ago Running 5.981 13 Road 9
1114462 Queen Street 7 Mile Mississauga CA 4 years ago Running 11.602 88 Road 9
1112122 Bonney Slope 4mi Loop Sommerset West-Elmonica North US 4 years ago Running 6.477 108 Road 9
1120056 Lucy, Alice Then Home!! Eastfield GB 4 years ago Cycling 8.858 86 Road 9
1619723 SloBuch Tour3 Ormož SI 3 years ago Cycling 41.159 627 Mixed 9
1684665 5-Täler-Schaukel Ilz AT 3 years ago Cycling 107.222 1081 Mixed 9
1587057 Hügelrunde Zwischen Hitzendorf Und Rein Hitzendorf AT 3 years ago Cycling 50.332 1291 Mixed 9
1274878 Nandlrunde Eibiswald AT 4 years ago Cycling 64.005 1877 Mixed 9
1199538 Jakobsweg: Mauthausen-Wallsee Als Runde Sankt Pantaleon-Erla AT 4 years ago Cycling 53.790 524 Mixed 9
1189586 Handspur Etappe 2 Als Runde Kapfenstein AT 4 years ago Cycling 56.167 1400 Mixed 9
1113754 East Lincoln Walk Route Lincoln US 4 years ago Walking 4.280 54 Road 9
1111998 Assabet River Wildlife Refuge 4 Mile Walk Sudbury US 4 years ago Walking 6.708 73 Off-Road 9
1111973 South Lincoln By Deborah's House South Lincoln US 4 years ago Walking 5.022 34 Road 9
1210543 S Telluride Loop Aurora US 4 years ago Running 0.833 13 Road 9
1111946 Mile Tuscaloosa US 4 years ago Walking 1.610 10 Road 9
1111893 30 Mins Tuscaloosa US 4 years ago Walking 2.588 14 Road 9
1938019 Pick Via Dave 40k Weaverham GB 2 years ago Cycling 38.959 282 Road 9
1221893 Berry Walk In Macc Forest Macclesfield Forest GB 4 years ago Walking 6.484 268 Off-Road 9
1111682 Transpennine Loop West Sale GB 4 years ago Walking 15.628 53 Mixed 9
1111655 Sale Circle Via Golfclub Sale GB 4 years ago Walking 7.951 28 Mixed 9
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