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2392965 Roosevelt/E. Greenlake Green Lake US 1 year ago Walking 4.302 20 Mixed 9
2295532 University And Montlake Bridges University District US 1 year ago Walking 4.676 60 Mixed 9
2234484 Curve Around Queen Anne Hill Belltown US 1 year ago Walking 4.288 107 Mixed 9
2196138 Fremont To Husky Stadium Fremont US 1 year ago Walking 4.838 82 Mixed 9
2181975 Chief Seattle Trail Seattle US 1 year ago Walking 7.024 151 Mixed 9
2165339 SWR International District International District/Chinatown US 1 year ago Walking 2.590 27 Mixed 9
2165332 SWR Pioneer Square International District/Chinatown US 1 year ago Walking 2.420 29 Mixed 9
2132971 Madison Valley From 23rd E Capitol Hill US 1 year ago Walking 4.208 22 Mixed 9
2090006 Uptown And Seattle Center Belltown US 1 year ago Walking 3.289 32 Mixed 9
2050763 W Wallingford Fremont US 1 year ago Walking 4.329 64 Mixed 9
1921447 Sculpture Park Northbound To Magnolia Belltown US 2 years ago Walking 3.868 10 Mixed 9
1911584 W Dravus Bridge To Chittenden Locks, Spring, 2022 Magnolia US 2 years ago Walking 3.382 48 Mixed 9
1911575 Ravenna Park, Winter, 2022 University District US 2 years ago Walking 1.405 35 Off-Road 9
1175644 Running 5K Staplehurst GB 4 years ago Walking 5.591 29 Mixed 9
1175658 Wisemans Ferry To Glenbrool Wisemans Ferry AU 4 years ago Motorcycling 84.722 1609 Road 9
2389914 Lapathon Knightsbridge GB 1 year ago Other 1.115 8 Off-Road 9
1601285 Shorter Round Route From Swanwick To Hamble Fareham GB 3 years ago Walking 5.738 72 Mixed 9
1515066 5 Mile Shawford Route Winchester GB 3 years ago Walking 7.893 149 Mixed 9
1367794 Millyford Walk Lyndhurst GB 3 years ago Walking 4.736 52 Mixed 9
1200804 Walk Hove GB 4 years ago Walking 3.467 82 Mixed 9
1215310 10k With Lonsdale Hell Gillingham GB 4 years ago Running 10.559 112 Mixed 9
1940708 16km Route From 77 Grayston Benmore Gardens ZA 2 years ago Running 16.012 226 Road 9
1460257 3rd 7th New Road And 6th Road 5.7km Halfway Gardens ZA 3 years ago Running 5.744 86 Road 9
1450879 Old Pretoria Route Halfway Gardens ZA 3 years ago Running 6.650 101 Road 9
1473417 Short Dog Hill Loop Ripponden GB 3 years ago Running 12.132 300 Off-Road 9
1541973 Test Мінск BY 3 years ago Cycling 72.364 752 Off-Road 9
1211107 Vjacha Мінск BY 4 years ago Cycling 65.731 690 Mixed 9
1175307 10k Aylesbury GB 4 years ago Walking 9.852 47 Mixed 9
1175292 5k Burton West Alexander CA 4 years ago Walking 5.028 6 Road 9
1175245 Firle Glynde GB 4 years ago Walking 6.856 193 Off-Road 9
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