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1403486 19/01 Cardiff GB 3 years ago Walking 9.454 56 Mixed 9
1716294 15m Bike Priorslee GB 2 years ago Cycling 24.508 277 Road 9
1505319 5m Priorslee GB 3 years ago Running 8.415 92 Mixed 9
2283101 Swyre Head Swanage GB 1 year ago Cycling 21.162 315 Mixed 9
1415605 Brabourne Claines 4.9miles Worcester GB 3 years ago Running 7.912 42 Road 9
1391743 Southwold Bear Crawl Test Southwold GB 3 years ago Other 2.021 6 Off-Road 9
1439239 Hammersmith Hump And Kew B Putney GB 3 years ago Running 15.092 60 Mixed 9
1434834 Wandsworth Putney GB 3 years ago Running 37.783 196 Mixed 9
1385205 1 Mile West Towson US 3 years ago Running 1.670 14 Road 9
1667445 Breamore Pub Loop Nunton GB 3 years ago Cycling 29.485 236 Mixed 9
1839347 March_Test_Day2 Spondon GB 2 years ago Walking 15.561 215 Mixed 9
1458393 MarchWalk Spondon GB 3 years ago Walking 40.718 342 Mixed 9
2290856 P1 STRIDERS 4 Powisland NR Woolwell GB 1 year ago Running 6.760 108 Mixed 9
2041856 E1 STRIDERS 5 Plymbridge Firetrack Woolwell GB 2 years ago Running 8.249 206 Mixed 9
1904582 Sunday STRIDERS 4.2 Burrator Walkhampton GB 2 years ago Running 6.804 142 Mixed 9
1592019 Sunday Princetown 5.5 Kings Tor Lydford GB 3 years ago Running 8.906 102 Off-Road 9
1822379 Guadalix Iberika Trail Guadalix de la Sierra ES 2 years ago Running 24.875 1048 Off-Road 9
1478298 La Mola 4 Rutes (Llarg) Castellar del Vallès ES 3 years ago Running 17.575 988 Off-Road 9
1385310 La Mola ( Senyora I Font Soleia) Curt Castellar del Vallès ES 3 years ago Running 10.115 688 Off-Road 9
1596529 4.5k From Featherbed Lane Hillmorton GB 3 years ago Running 4.672 43 Mixed 9
1744052 Prenzance Lands End Chyandour GB 2 years ago Cycling 57.932 1002 Road 9
1681234 Saughall 33 Saughall GB 3 years ago Running 32.887 138 Mixed 9
1461738 M's Walk To The Mountbatten School North Baddesley GB 3 years ago Walking 2.401 14 Mixed 9
1457862 To Shops And Back The Long Way Round North Baddesley GB 3 years ago Walking 1.342 12 Mixed 9
1456846 Vaccination Walk To School North Baddesley GB 3 years ago Walking 3.732 23 Mixed 9
1443961 Walk On Vaccination In Romsey Day! Romsey GB 3 years ago Walking 4.203 15 Mixed 9
1439783 Short Circuit Of Village. North Baddesley GB 3 years ago Walking 4.095 33 Mixed 9
1413813 Walk Round Half Of North Baddesley - 28/1/2021 North Baddesley GB 3 years ago Walking 3.545 28 Mixed 9
1392224 8th Jan Hoe Valley And Saunders Lane 8km / 5 Miles Woking GB 3 years ago Running 8.449 61 Mixed 9
1387299 Carmunnock Circular 2 Carmunnock GB 3 years ago Walking 2.913 41 Road 9
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