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2332053 KRR Training Portmoak Church /Macduff Hill/Return Scotlandwell GB 1 year ago Running 4.896 325 Off-Road 10
2299603 Castlehill Res/Glenquey/Hillfoot Hill /CEH/Seamab Glendevon GB 1 year ago Running 14.294 444 Off-Road 10
1814255 Beverley Bishop Burton 11m Beverley GB 2 years ago Walking 18.341 123 Mixed 10
2377718 Origins Fairlands 20km Route Fairland ZA 1 year ago Running 20.146 250 Road 10
2378596 RUN FOR INCLUSION 2023 Municipio 1 IT 1 year ago Running 6.920 15 Mixed 10
2111359 DA SAFRA A GUASTALLA LUNGO 9KM Municipio 2 IT 1 year ago Running 8.637 20 Mixed 10
1945979 PERCORSO F1 Municipio 1 IT 2 years ago Other 13.196 51 Mixed 10
1888162 PoliMi Run 2022 Città Studi IT 2 years ago Running 10.382 45 Mixed 10
1954419 WW To Southam Wellesbourne GB 2 years ago Cycling 46.104 402 Road 10
1800571 Gaydon And Back Southam GB 2 years ago Cycling 39.964 345 Road 10
1865772 Trail Route 5.853 Reydon GB 2 years ago Running 9.420 55 Mixed 10
1803545 Valley Half Valley GB 2 years ago Running 21.574 242 Mixed 10
1798992 Camborne To St Ives Walk Via Carnhell Camborne GB 2 years ago Walking 24.390 335 Mixed 10
1828061 14 Mile Loop Hove GB 2 years ago Running 23.622 126 Mixed 10
1796528 Short Bristol Route To Bath Henbury GB 2 years ago Cycling 41.627 590 Mixed 10
1821567 12 Miler Clumber Worksop GB 2 years ago Running 19.676 183 Off-Road 10
2492654 Vatican City Municipio Roma I IT 8 months ago Walking 1.218 12 Mixed 10
1795621 Florence Gardens Route Centro Storico IT 2 years ago Walking 8.965 196 Mixed 10
1919470 Catamount-cascade-one Mile Allenstown US 2 years ago Running 6.426 194 Off-Road 10
1810640 Norht Manchester Rt Alt North End US 2 years ago Running 18.744 211 Road 10
1803971 North Manchester Route Hooksett US 2 years ago Running 17.990 235 Road 10
2008185 Oyster Bay 10k Masaki TZ 2 years ago Running 10.563 62 Mixed 10
2122877 Marquette HILLZ Marquette US 1 year ago Running 0.706 17 Road 10
1994914 RUTA DE MARCE Caracas VE 2 years ago Running 35.058 389 Road 10
2285326 JOGJA VESPA LOOP Kota Yogyakarta ID 1 year ago Motorcycling 148.663 1621 Road 10
2750919 Blasters Holland Moor 11k Town Centre GB 10 days ago Running 11.084 143 Mixed 10
2664398 Standish Hall Tuesday Social Wigan GB 2 months ago Running 7.745 76 Mixed 10
2621007 Bolts Crisp Delf 11.5k Town Centre GB 4 months ago Running 11.525 222 Mixed 10
2572915 Bolts - Down Crow Lane Town Centre GB 5 months ago Running 11.637 202 Mixed 10
2512913 Boosts Allotment 5.2k Town Centre GB 7 months ago Running 5.238 55 Mixed 10
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