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1180601 Rob Tyers 15 Miler Bedford GB 4 years ago Running 24.084 124 Mixed 12
1470555 Aroundhome 2nd Day Черняховский район RU 3 years ago Cycling 276.003 1572 Road 12
2409507 Tinalhas 24 Km Tinalhas PT 11 months ago Cycling 38.336 884 Mixed 12
2392660 02-Melides- Vila Nova De Mil Fontes Grândola PT 1 year ago Cycling 69.286 684 Mixed 12
1869012 Barrosinha Palmela 2 (68km) Barrosinha PT 2 years ago Cycling 68.321 479 Mixed 12
1707839 Etapa 1 Porto Viana Do Castelo Caminho Costa Vila Nova de Gaia PT 3 years ago Cycling 86.917 953 Mixed 12
1277333 Benavente Porto Alto Benavente Benavente PT 4 years ago Cycling 36.738 182 Mixed 12
1707845 Etapa 3 Pontevedra Santiago De Compostela Pontevedra ES 3 years ago Cycling 66.005 1071 Mixed 12
1253782 Hook Norton 1 Hook Norton GB 4 years ago Cycling 50.991 648 Road 12
2284912 Blackwater Way IE 1 year ago Walking 164.687 3777 Mixed 12
1192933 Hatton - Marston - Hilton 7km Hatton GB 4 years ago Running 7.019 10 Mixed 12
1191114 Reservoir Route Shotley Bridge GB 4 years ago Cycling 33.714 607 Road 12
1581490 Rodopi-boikovo жк Тракия BG 3 years ago Cycling 84.173 2196 Mixed 12
1179600 McMurtry W-E Stillwater US 4 years ago Cycling 29.548 373 Road 12
1179582 Clover-Langley Willowbrook CA 4 years ago Cycling 28.866 304 Mixed 12
1202248 Smoke And Fire Brea-Olinda US 4 years ago Cycling 14.474 95 Road 12
1198049 Skip Bridge And Avoid Lambert As Much As Possible Brea-Olinda US 4 years ago Cycling 16.538 153 Road 12
1179529 All Love Movement , March On Sacramento 2020 North Oak Park US 4 years ago Walking 6.001 9 Road 12
1179477 McKay's And Back Thornton US 4 years ago Cycling 16.585 97 Mixed 12
1222780 EZEtan 4mi Hailey GB 4 years ago Walking 6.331 60 Mixed 12
2638775 Birthday Bash Marathon (Kill Creek To Mass) US 4 months ago Running 42.875 431 Mixed 12
1884273 From Haskins Southampton GB 2 years ago Walking 5.290 30 Mixed 12
1459777 From Church Road Warsash GB 3 years ago Walking 12.438 76 Mixed 12
1179167 Woodbank Park 4.2m Stockport GB 4 years ago Running 6.762 95 Road 12
1178956 Forres To Knockando Forres GB 4 years ago Cycling 24.240 388 Road 12
1535280 Hockley Twyford Down Walk Chilcomb GB 3 years ago Walking 4.386 87 Mixed 12
1178877 Abbotswood_Lockerly Romsey GB 4 years ago Cycling 28.452 207 Road 12
2737355 Saugatuck Reservoir 12 Weston US 1 month ago Running 19.497 356 Mixed 12
2696928 Rockefeller Preserve 12 W/ Service Road (Mile 4.3) Town of Mount Pleasant US 2 months ago Running 19.029 351 Mixed 12
1589298 Honey Joes - 300m Post-Run (.186 Miles) Downtown Stamford US 3 years ago Running 0.299 2 Road 12
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