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598242 DataCity-Grenelle-4km Paris FR 6 years ago Running 4.036 11 Road 14
730432 Europe-Barcelone-El Raval#3 (7,7km) El Raval ES 5 years ago Running 7.775 37 Road 14
896279 Francfort - Ostend Ostend DE 5 years ago Running 4.509 20 Road 14
896268 Francfort - Une Virée Au Parc Westend DE 5 years ago Running 5.430 26 Road 14
621252 Europe-Dresde-20180530-5km-ELB-v1 Innere Altstadt DE 6 years ago Running 4.931 38 Road 14
1360081 Proposition Parcours Fribourg Fribourg CH 3 years ago Running 3.383 108 Road 14
936025 Genève - Au Centre De Genève Jonction CH 5 years ago Running 3.170 29 Road 14
935944 Genève - Entre Le Rhône Et L'Arve #1 Jonction CH 5 years ago Running 1.951 1 Road 14
672278 Rio 1 Centro BR 6 years ago Running 8.136 168 Road 14
1179837 Europe-Bruxelles-PMR 2 Zavel BE 4 years ago Running 3.330 46 Road 14
1152712 Europe-Bruxelles-Run Près Du Cinquantenaire Cinquantenaire BE 4 years ago Running 12.597 128 Road 14
1149895 Europe-Bruxelles-Laeken2 Laken BE 4 years ago Running 14.473 132 Road 14
732763 Namur - Eau Et Citadelle Namur BE 5 years ago Running 8.585 137 Road 14
152111 11.2miles London GB 8 years ago Running 17.786 71 Road 14
813573 To Bowling Govan GB 5 years ago Cycling 24.206 128 Mixed 14
653690 21 Mile Country Club Tour Huntington Woods US 6 years ago Cycling 34.294 142 Road 14
463766 30 Mile Franklin Option Huntington Woods US 7 years ago Cycling 48.670 246 Mixed 14
444360 30 Miles - HW To Wabeek Huntington Woods US 7 years ago Cycling 49.635 380 Mixed 14
363233 HW 10 Mile Racetrack Huntington Woods US 7 years ago Cycling 16.346 46 Road 14
243276 17Miles Stag River Weavering Dwood BtonMon East F Weavering GB 8 years ago Running 28.085 337 Road 14
235201 Dulwich Wood Circular London GB 8 years ago Walking 9.749 118 Mixed 14
336432 4mi Hackensack US 7 years ago Running 6.596 27 Mixed 14
1440678 4.6 M LE Walk Little Eaton GB 3 years ago Walking 7.490 108 Mixed 14
517167 Long Lane 25 Oct 2017 Little Eaton GB 6 years ago Cycling 43.233 519 Road 14
1552385 Teibolt Trail-Hess Trail QR 6.5 Gibbon Glade US 3 years ago Walking 10.482 348 Off-Road 14
1057809 Carranza-End Of Batona Tabernacle US 4 years ago Walking 34.612 175 Off-Road 14
450626 Home To Work Via MM Cambridge US 7 years ago Running 16.859 165 Mixed 14
152916 Test Overton GB 8 years ago Walking 11.577 72 Mixed 14
127717 HomeAdvisor To Oak St. Station 2 Lakewood US 8 years ago Cycling 4.122 37 Road 14
127266 Chris's Round The World Trip Horley GB 8 years ago Other 3248.548 80926 Mixed 14
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