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2688949 55km Dub Mtn Route IE 2 months ago Cycling 56.784 1027 Road 18
2535150 1 Žiegždriai LT 6 months ago Walking 9.049 138 Mixed 18
2535097 Bamford And Shatton Moor High Peak GB 6 months ago Walking 16.052 426 Mixed 18
2534449 Integris Trailhead - Arcadia (9 Miles) Edmond US 6 months ago Running 14.537 128 Road 18
2595830 Embankment Kingsbrook GB 5 months ago Running 5.052 15 Mixed 18
2535274 NIBS Route 2 AM Wickford GB 6 months ago Other 14.834 151 Road 18
2531722 10k Leith/Inverleith Leith Harbour & Newhaven GB 6 months ago Running 9.724 54 Mixed 18
2542910 Cricketers 2.3 Miles Winchester GB 6 months ago Running 3.680 44 Mixed 18
2530731 Run Cochrane 50km - Leg 5 Town of Cochrane CA 7 months ago Running 10.078 68 Mixed 18
2529738 Leigh Charity Run Cannock GB 7 months ago Running 32.726 293 Road 18
2606818 HillsprintersJHB Rosebank 8km Parkwood ZA 4 months ago Running 7.538 107 Road 18
2618486 Hitchin-Ickwell Sunnyside GB 4 months ago Cycling 52.464 430 Road 18
2533826 16km Route Johannesburg Ward 104 ZA 6 months ago Running 16.126 299 Road 18
2525760 KOZ-P_HRP-HOV-P_HRP Ясінянська селищна громада UA 7 months ago Walking 12.523 1259 Off-Road 18
2525275 Walk 1: Play Craigmillar GB 7 months ago Walking 1.868 37 Mixed 18
2703852 3rd August Round 2 Heswall GB 1 month ago Running 21.366 210 Road 18
2714046 Riddlesden To Shipley Glen And Ilkley Moor Circuit Keighley GB 1 month ago Running 25.025 413 Mixed 18
2524740 Transect 1-B Downtown to Heights Houston US 7 months ago Motorcycling 38.248 110 Road 18
2520057 Cursa SC Terrassa ES 7 months ago Running 5.144 80 Mixed 18
2572264 Caesars Camp 15km Pond Loop North Town GB 5 months ago Other 14.855 169 Mixed 18
2516913 BGR - Leg One Keswick GB 7 months ago Running 20.185 1595 Mixed 18
2551947 Lövgärdets 12k Run Lövgärdet SE 6 months ago Running 12.085 154 Mixed 18
2514915 Lövgärdets 10K Run Lövgärdet SE 7 months ago Running 10.338 164 Mixed 18
2535029 8km Capitol Town San Fernando PH 6 months ago Running 8.358 45 Road 18
2684265 July 3 Milehouse GB 2 months ago Running 7.371 132 Mixed 18
2513858 RUN CLUB 5k Fareham GB 7 months ago Running 5.088 27 Road 18
2557239 20 Miles From Clat Adams Quincy US 6 months ago Running 32.819 284 Mixed 18
2513036 Route C - N. Wales & Liverpool Area Moss Side GB 7 months ago Other 410.185 3154 Road 18
2511129 Bristol Lawrence Weston GB 7 months ago Other 278.535 3104 Road 18
2546501 澳門環線 筷子基 Fai Chi Kei CN 6 months ago Cycling 51.146 749 Mixed 18
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