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1291557 Gill & Debbie 5 Upper Poppleton GB 4 years ago Cycling 51.209 223 Road 19
195717 Marshes London GB 8 years ago Running 10.639 58 Mixed 19
195524 Global 5K Warrenton US 8 years ago Running 5.056 73 Mixed 19
633632 Queens Route From Sto Stø NO 6 years ago Walking 14.507 898 Off-Road 19
970663 Strichen 65k Circular Ellon GB 4 years ago Cycling 65.399 717 Road 19
1147201 Darts Loop Woodbury GB 4 years ago Running 10.697 100 Mixed 19
504926 Exmouth To Home Exmouth GB 6 years ago Running 10.325 137 Mixed 19
443018 Bennington Lordship Hitchin GB 7 years ago Cycling 42.566 449 Road 19
392961 St Neots To Huntingdon Via Ouse Way St Neots GB 7 years ago Walking 18.278 42 Off-Road 19
198212 10 Mile Nashville US 8 years ago Running 16.203 208 Road 19
2586413 Pant 5.5 Mile Circular Carreghofa GB 5 months ago Walking 8.776 211 Mixed 19
2515932 Breidden Hill 5.5mile Circular Bausley with Criggion GB 7 months ago Walking 8.990 463 Mixed 19
2219959 Cleeve Hill 5 Mile Circular V2 Southam GB 1 year ago Walking 7.817 150 Mixed 19
2003228 Rudyard Lake Circular Horton GB 2 years ago Walking 7.135 90 Mixed 19
1299093 Loughborough To Watermead Park Circular Loughborough GB 3 years ago Cycling 33.101 207 Mixed 19
195377 2 Hour Around Eden Hall Gibsonia US 8 years ago Walking 9.518 199 Road 19
465645 Myrdal16k Myrdal NO 7 years ago Running 16.335 920 Mixed 19
1562885 10.5km Isle Of Dogs, From Island Gardens Isle of Dogs GB 3 years ago Running 10.560 64 Mixed 19
621483 Map 3 Dwellingup AU 6 years ago Cycling 147.162 2091 Mixed 19
2059429 GMC CAmpus Route 320Kms Haldwani IN 1 year ago Cycling 27.817 229 Mixed 19
195140 11 Km Port Coquitlam CA 8 years ago Cycling 11.383 38 Mixed 19
362122 Hatboro4 Hatboro US 7 years ago Walking 5.105 43 Road 19
2335411 Summits Above Muckhart 7 Miles Pool of Muckhart GB 1 year ago Walking 11.115 475 Off-Road 19
1874245 Kincardine To Dalgety Bay Coastal Path 21miles Kincardine GB 2 years ago Walking 35.151 369 Mixed 19
1274964 DBay To Blackness Castle 1 Hillend GB 4 years ago Walking 18.015 275 Mixed 19
195402 Kempsford 37 SW Carterton GB 8 years ago Cycling 59.684 247 Road 19
194977 2 Mile Route Tacoma US 8 years ago Running 3.134 29 Road 19
1729406 Dorset - Marnhull Marnhull GB 2 years ago Walking 5.179 41 Mixed 19
1375747 Crowthorne Crowthorne GB 3 years ago Walking 5.441 31 Mixed 19
1336497 Weybridge - New Haw Loop Weybridge GB 3 years ago Walking 7.022 56 Off-Road 19
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