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669798 The Walrus Four Bridges Ride Bowen Hills AU 6 years ago Cycling 37.153 490 Mixed 27
121174 11+ Mile, Most Of Half Cookeville US 8 years ago Running 18.861 133 Road 27
87002 Day 2 Lake District Buttermere GB 9 years ago Walking 11.945 674 Mixed 27
86925 West Clandon 7No West Clandon GB 9 years ago Cycling 55.145 1117 Road 27
303110 Brouillon Possibilité Parc Saint Michel Montr�al CA 7 years ago Running 5.000 13 Road 27
408053 Powerride Rt 1 2017 Detroit US 7 years ago Cycling 13.348 12 Mixed 27
88394 JER 7KM Montréal CA 9 years ago Running 7.316 26 Road 27
86606 Hungerford Common And Back Around The Houses Newbury GB 9 years ago Cycling 33.529 371 Road 27
86528 Route 3, 10mi Delavan US 9 years ago Running 15.873 130 Road 27
86429 Round The Lake, The Long Way St Louis US 9 years ago Other 6.650 22 Road 27
213357 Claire Work Sutton Coldfield GB 8 years ago Cycling 18.317 195 Road 27
430633 42.6 Coniston And Windermere Windermere GB 7 years ago Cycling 68.624 1085 Road 27
430405 48.86 Grasmere Wrynose And Coniston Windermere GB 7 years ago Cycling 78.626 1684 Road 27
167994 26.56 Alresford Cheesefoot Warnford Bramdean New Alresford GB 8 years ago Cycling 42.754 428 Road 27
103050 45.96 - Alton - Alresford - Cheesefoot - Medstead Alton GB 9 years ago Cycling 73.976 830 Road 27
98098 52.5 Candover, Alresford, Binstead, Golden Pot Alton GB 9 years ago Cycling 84.629 844 Road 27
247695 Johnt2016 Lap2 The Valley AI 8 years ago Cycling 39.211 326 Road 27
856384 MRC Liverpool Midweek Run #100 City Central GB 5 years ago Running 4.422 36 Road 27
361578 Echt To Maastricht! Weert NL 7 years ago Walking 34.214 244 Mixed 27
346390 Rotterdam To Droevendaal! Rotterdam NL 7 years ago Walking 104.760 585 Mixed 27
324505 Whw Tyndrum Check Hills Tyndrum GB 7 years ago Walking 13.138 235 Mixed 27
319668 From Tain To Eoghan's! STAY STRONG! Tain GB 7 years ago Walking 55.774 608 Mixed 27
318727 Helmsdale To Golspie Keiss GB 7 years ago Walking 28.224 305 Mixed 27
387695 Valdahon To Pontarlier! Valdahon FR 7 years ago Walking 33.601 615 Mixed 27
385424 Lure To Lausannne - BEST TILL PONTARLIER Lure FR 7 years ago Walking 170.136 3453 Mixed 27
379635 Charmes To Le Val-d'Ajol! Charmes FR 7 years ago Walking 71.677 1180 Mixed 27
186899 To Bilbao! Marina de Cudeyo ES 8 years ago Walking 66.952 1362 Mixed 27
162503 Camino De Stefy! Santiago de Compostela ES 8 years ago Walking 1092.569 37949 Mixed 27
522494 St. Clair Walk Hamilton US 6 years ago Walking 129.993 724 Road 27
430202 Cologne Run Köln DE 7 years ago Running 4.598 16 Mixed 27
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