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830664 5 Miles Ashbourne Down And Up Fenny Bentley GB 5 years ago Running 8.272 97 Off-Road 28
604504 1 Mile Run Taunton GB 6 years ago Running 2.147 9 Road 28
605040 Andy Wigan GB 6 years ago Running 3.660 24 Road 28
604200 Chingford Route London GB 6 years ago Cycling 11.761 38 Mixed 28
705660 Lluc Muro ES 5 years ago Cycling 96.500 1973 Road 28
604253 3.3 Miles Portslade GB 6 years ago Walking 5.358 108 Road 28
662716 Ruta Pico Tunari Irincollo BO 6 years ago Other 33.396 2017 Mixed 28
792667 Yamacraw 20k Course - Reverse Direction Blue Heron US 5 years ago Running 18.881 659 Off-Road 28
617844 McKinney Ridge - South To North Oak Ridge US 6 years ago Running 2.134 75 Off-Road 28
2401352 Fields And Garden Tues 3rd October Wotton-under-Edge GB 12 months ago Running 5.167 86 Mixed 28
2356839 Nibley - Field And Lanes Monday 21st August North Nibley GB 1 year ago Running 6.548 107 Road 28
2007424 Up To The Woods (& Back Down!) Tues 23rd Aug Wotton-under-Edge GB 2 years ago Running 5.350 147 Mixed 28
1912299 Nibley, Woods & Down The Throat Wed 25th May Long North Nibley GB 2 years ago Running 8.723 169 Mixed 28
1788261 Kingswood, Wotton & Coombe Wed 19th Jan (long) Wotton under Edge GB 2 years ago Running 9.019 151 Mixed 28
1713144 Thursday 7th October Wotton under Edge GB 2 years ago Running 5.831 117 Mixed 28
1701048 Nibley, The Other Way Round! Wed 29 Sept Long North Nibley GB 3 years ago Running 8.723 169 Mixed 28
1678168 Tuesday 7th September - Hillmill Lane/fields Wotton under Edge GB 3 years ago Running 5.588 91 Mixed 28
1304575 Hill Reps (Short) Wed 14th Oct Wotton under Edge GB 3 years ago Running 6.038 122 Road 28
1259074 Shorter Route Wed 2nd September North Nibley GB 4 years ago Running 5.771 123 Mixed 28
1206494 Tresham To Leighterton Out & Back 23/7 Tresham GB 4 years ago Running 7.963 88 Road 28
1044201 Hillesley Group Run Tues 10 March Hillesley GB 4 years ago Running 5.797 81 Road 28
1027352 Westonbirt Arboretum Thurs 21 Feb Westonbirt GB 4 years ago Running 7.032 72 Off-Road 28
1027318 Nibley Wed 19th Feb North Nibley GB 4 years ago Running 7.921 135 Road 28
1000676 Nibley Wed 15/01 North Nibley GB 4 years ago Running 7.834 111 Road 28
888873 Alternative Monday 29th July Wotton under Edge GB 5 years ago Running 8.222 179 Mixed 28
859154 Woods - Mon 24th June Wotton under Edge GB 5 years ago Running 5.900 75 Off-Road 28
697284 Parking Hill Mill Lane Wortley GB 5 years ago Other 0.429 5 Road 28
603334 Moonwalk Training - Canal Walk To Godalming Woking GB 6 years ago Walking 35.041 75 Off-Road 28
603311 Test Tropojë District AL 6 years ago Walking 0.348 41 Off-Road 28
1779563 LISORS-GAILLON Lisors FR 2 years ago Cycling 30.379 224 Mixed 28
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