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2652077 Gun Run 21km 2024 (v1.2) Cape Town Ward 115 ZA 3 months ago Running 21.339 279 Road 28
2588717 21km Birthday Celebration Route 20/04/24 Fleurhof ZA 5 months ago Running 23.647 349 Road 28
2576928 FFTC Week2 8km Burnaby CA 5 months ago Running 7.760 276 Mixed 28
2557005 Johan Cruyff 14k Zuidoost NL 6 months ago Running 14.005 114 Mixed 28
2700336 Ashford Striders Hythe 3.8 Miles Hythe GB 1 month ago Running 6.242 108 Mixed 28
2645032 Ashford Striders 10 Miles Great Chart Singleton GB 3 months ago Running 15.957 101 Road 28
2546804 Bumbles Away Run Calderdale GB 6 months ago Running 4.550 48 Road 28
2534789 PBJ 3/5 Lucky 13 South Philadelphia US 6 months ago Running 6.018 11 Road 28
2581821 8km HillsprintersJHB Rosebank Route Parkwood ZA 5 months ago Running 7.831 113 Mixed 28
2524187 66k Ultra Costa Daurada Prades ES 7 months ago Running 63.458 3506 Mixed 28
2521197 Beginner Route Pimlico GB 7 months ago Running 2.331 8 Mixed 28
2602530 Wellbeing Walk Binley GB 4 months ago Walking 3.958 27 Mixed 28
2686715 DAG 17 - Van Flagstaff Naar Las Vegas Flagstaff US 2 months ago Other 410.880 4040 Road 28
2640014 Maisonsgoutte Albé - 10km Maisonsgoutte FR 3 months ago Walking 10.690 402 Mixed 28
2651268 Tresco Scilly60% 2024 Tresco GB 3 months ago Running 10.001 143 Mixed 28
2517774 Fartlek Warmup - Feb 13th London CA 7 months ago Running 2.037 26 Mixed 28
2580980 Map Route 2 Section 2 Sea View TZ 5 months ago Other 7.988 63 Road 28
2509417 Maryville Greenway (Olympia Out & Back) Maryville US 7 months ago Walking 5.005 37 Road 28
2506771 Fox & Raven Circular Chelmer GB 7 months ago Walking 7.665 30 Mixed 28
2520713 Gunn2 Lockcafe West Heath GB 7 months ago Cycling 47.802 240 Road 28
2502885 Belfast 15k Windsor GB 7 months ago Running 15.878 108 Road 28
2529228 Laindon 11.5k Laindon GB 7 months ago Running 11.533 76 Mixed 28
2500525 Laindon 8.1km Laindon GB 8 months ago Running 8.172 52 Mixed 28
2686625 Run Walk 4k Tynemouth North Shields GB 2 months ago Walking 3.945 45 Mixed 28
2548339 7KM RUN Mandaluyong PH 6 months ago Running 7.197 84 Mixed 28
2528493 DR 5 Miles (5) Bank Top GB 7 months ago Running 8.118 63 Mixed 28
2517092 DR 5 Miles (7) Bank Top GB 7 months ago Running 8.163 45 Road 28
2494075 RM Half Marathon Route 2 Lee-on-the-Solent GB 8 months ago Running 21.256 77 Mixed 28
2492481 19k Oatlands GB 8 months ago Walking 19.034 191 Mixed 28
2510538 140 Wellampitiya LK 7 months ago Other 10.306 74 Road 28
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