Popular Routes from East Dean and Friston, United Kingdom


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2242536 Ldwa-south-downs-marathon-28m East Dean and Friston GB 1 year ago Running 45.099 1281 Off-Road 84
653934 East Dean Loop East Dean and Friston GB 5 years ago Walking 15.646 481 Mixed 36
2150599 East Dean, Beachy Head 8.5 Mile East Dean and Friston GB 1 year ago Walking 13.906 448 Mixed 30
654548 East Dean & Beachy Head East Dean and Friston GB 5 years ago Walking 16.308 486 Mixed 22
2592550 SDWM 2024 28m East Dean and Friston GB 2 months ago Walking 45.268 1243 Mixed 18
2535395 Course Clear Sean East Dean and Friston GB 4 months ago Running 12.131 364 Off-Road 14
2510749 Friston To Birling East Dean and Friston GB 4 months ago Walking 2.448 52 Off-Road 12
2529126 Birling To Meads Section 2 East Dean and Friston GB 4 months ago Walking 3.653 125 Off-Road 12
2334173 Seven Sisters Loop From Birling Gap East Dean and Friston GB 11 months ago Walking 21.795 506 Mixed 12
2246964 SDW 2023 LDWA 28M East Dean and Friston GB 1 year ago Running 44.851 1240 Off-Road 11
2510724 Friston To Meads East Dean and Friston GB 4 months ago Walking 5.322 176 Off-Road 11
2123736 Butchershole 5k East Dean and Friston GB 1 year ago Walking 5.266 107 Off-Road 10
2304867 East Dean 8.5 Miles East Dean and Friston GB 1 year ago Walking 13.906 448 Mixed 9
2397364 East Dean Loop Via Beachy Head East Dean and Friston GB 9 months ago Walking 15.257 450 Mixed 9
2416003 Sdw Leg 29 East Dean and Friston GB 8 months ago Running 6.049 238 Mixed 8
2169011 3 Miles Butchershole East Dean and Friston GB 1 year ago Running 5.154 65 Off-Road 7
2191125 Seven Sisters 12 Miles East Dean and Friston GB 1 year ago Walking 19.328 681 Off-Road 6
2070525 East Dean, Friston Forest, Litlington, V1 East Dean and Friston GB 1 year ago Walking 13.758 541 Mixed 5
2529151 Birling Section 1 East Dean and Friston GB 4 months ago Walking 0.765 0 Off-Road 4
2619420 Seven Sisters 12.5km Loop From Birling Gap East Dean and Friston GB 1 month ago Walking 12.451 466 Mixed 4
2339321 Today BG To EP East Dean and Friston GB 11 months ago Walking 8.805 236 Off-Road 4
2397355 East Dean To Beachy Head Loop East Dean and Friston GB 9 months ago Walking 14.149 374 Mixed 3
2244626 Ldwa-southdowns-marathon-28m-2023 East Dean and Friston GB 1 year ago Running 44.851 1240 Mixed 3
2032770 Beachy Head Walk East Dean and Friston GB 1 year ago Walking 7.091 183 Mixed 3
2663408 Sussex - Course Clear 2 East Dean and Friston GB 8 days ago Running 11.507 356 Off-Road 3
2535392 Tom Course Clear East Dean and Friston GB 4 months ago Running 10.383 356 Mixed 2
2471675 Beachy Head Cliff Walk (birthday) East Dean and Friston GB 6 months ago Walking 12.452 360 Mixed 2
2529159 Birling To Meads East Dean and Friston GB 4 months ago Walking 4.414 175 Off-Road 1
2596971 Poss. SDM Route East Dean and Friston GB 2 months ago Walking 44.350 1215 Mixed 1
2037785 ECP016 - Birling To Eastbourne East Dean and Friston GB 1 year ago Walking 8.579 270 Mixed 1
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