Popular Routes from 離島區 Islands District, China


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2112073 Val Day Race 2023 Tough Love 離島區 Islands District CN 1 year ago Running 15.655 623 Mixed 579
2112071 Val Day Race 2023 Easy Love 離島區 Islands District CN 1 year ago Running 9.431 293 Mixed 495
2567022 MTB - Chi Ma Wan Full Distance Off-road Triathlon 離島區 Islands District CN 6 months ago Cycling 28.288 1057 Mixed 111
2566970 Trail Run - Chi Man Wan Off-road Triathlon 離島區 Islands District CN 6 months ago Running 9.748 411 Mixed 82
2405903 TL 2023 Tigers Head Trail, DB, Mui Wo 離島區 Islands District CN 12 months ago Running 14.746 736 Mixed 66
2082142 MT2024 Nam Shan To PKA, PKA To Finish 12.5km 離島區 Islands District CN 1 year ago Running 12.774 453 Mixed 56
2568325 MTB - Chi Ma Wan Light Off-road Triathlon 離島區 Islands District CN 6 months ago Cycling 16.413 556 Mixed 56
2082144 MoonTrekker PKA To PKA LP Loop 8.5km 離島區 Islands District CN 1 year ago Running 9.319 773 Mixed 55
2438909 三牙全走 離島區 Islands District CN 10 months ago Walking 11.742 1301 Mixed 53
2439810 芝麻灣半島 離島區 Islands District CN 10 months ago Other 10.941 387 Mixed 44
2399964 Lantau Peak 9.5km Circular 離島區 Islands District CN 1 year ago Walking 9.592 764 Mixed 42
2622201 南山營地-鳳徑二段-二東山-大東山-伯公坳 離島區 Islands District CN 4 months ago Walking 6.139 668 Off-Road 37
2579383 TL 2024 DB Route Alt 離島區 Islands District CN 5 months ago Running 5.244 227 Mixed 34
2274778 Lantau Peak Section 3 離島區 Islands District CN 1 year ago Walking 5.595 557 Mixed 30
2405892 TL 2023 PKA Lantau Peak NP Shek Pik 離島區 Islands District CN 12 months ago Running 10.949 665 Mixed 30
2397544 MT2024 CMW Marking & Forerun 離島區 Islands District CN 1 year ago Running 10.345 453 Mixed 28
2428949 Route: 伯公坳-南大嶼郊遊徑-南山 離島區 Islands District CN 11 months ago Walking 7.319 242 Off-Road 27
2083731 475-貝澳-老人西崖-老人山-芝麻石林-十塱水塘-芝麻灣 離島區 Islands District CN 1 year ago Walking 9.287 461 Mixed 27
2100413 MT2024 PKA To PKA LP Loop 8.5km 2023 離島區 Islands District CN 1 year ago Running 9.522 760 Mixed 27
2221035 2023_May_01_老人山 離島區 Islands District CN 1 year ago Walking 11.784 449 Mixed 27
2548661 :ksn - 羗山 Keung Shan 離島區 Islands District CN 6 months ago Walking 11.234 460 Off-Road 27
2428446 TL 2023 CMW To Pui O CP To CMW 離島區 Islands District CN 11 months ago Running 2.991 74 Road 24
2435734 TL 2023 Cyril Forerun O Green W Sunset Option 離島區 Islands District CN 10 months ago Running 16.644 443 Mixed 24
2483317 Lantau Trail 20240128_day 2 離島區 Islands District CN 8 months ago Walking 23.047 769 Mixed 23
2729316 TL CMW Gate , Contour, PKA, LP, NP 17km 離島區 Islands District CN 1 month ago Running 17.017 1259 Mixed 23
2428443 TL 2023 CMW Lo Yan Shan Reservoir 離島區 Islands District CN 11 months ago Running 3.634 281 Off-Road 22
2405708 TL 2023 Shek Pik Shui Hau Tong Fuk PKA 離島區 Islands District CN 12 months ago Running 12.511 625 Off-Road 22
2405887 TL 2023 Rescue Trail Nei Lek Shan NP 離島區 Islands District CN 12 months ago Running 8.136 723 Off-Road 21
2120181 Route: 麻布坪-茶壺咀脊-南天門-鳳徑-北峰嶂脊-法門古道-石門甲-逸東邨 離島區 Islands District CN 1 year ago Walking 8.895 738 Mixed 21
2155193 515a-水口村-中狗牙坑-虎吼石河-西狗牙-石壁 離島區 Islands District CN 1 year ago Walking 7.504 676 Mixed 20
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