Popular Routes
Two questions:
how do I delete a saved route?
How do I delete part of the middle of a route?
Sorry, there isn't an option to delete routes at the moment - not sure how we missed that one! We'll add this in the next couple of days and post back here.
You can delete sections from the middle of a route by using the Delete Section or Edit Section buttons under the Plot menu. We have short tutorial video on editing routes, which gives a demo of some of the route editing techniques you can use.
Just a quick update - you can now delete routes from your My Routes list if you wish.
To do this, click on the "Manage Routes" button on the My Routes panel (under the "More" menu on the route planner). Then delete click on the delete symbol for the route you want to delete.
Thanks...that delete feature helps.
I 'm still having trouble editing the middle of a route. Since you are an admin maybe you can help. If you look at this route:
you can see on the east and west "sides" of the route there is an out a back piece. That is the section I'm trying to get rid of. I mean, it's easy enough just to make again, but I'm trying to learn how to use the app.
when I try to edit it alot of strange things happen, the entire route gets all messed up.
let me know if you can take a look at it...it's probably just user error.
Hi Joel,
I've had a look at your route. The easiest way to delete the bits you want is to use the Delete Section button under the Plot menu. So, for example, for the easterly section:
This is how it should look:
Hope that helps.
Another question related to deleting?
1. Is it possible to delete public routes as well as private routes that I created?
Scratch that I couldn't tell which were public and private routes and noticed that they were in the list anyway.
I did notice that I needed to refresh the webpage fully to see them.
I'd like to request adding some kind of identifier to differentiate between Public / Private routes in the 'My Routes' list.
Hi Scott - Thanks for the feedback. We'll add a Public / Private flag on the My Routes list and possibly a refresh button.
We've now added an extra column on the My Routes list so you can see if a route is saved as Private or Public. And we've fixed the issue with the My Routes list not refreshing after saving a new route.
All I want to do is delete the end bit of the route. This is impossible. If I delete part of the route the programme replaces it with a nice straight line between the two points I wanted to delete. The interface is absolutely terrible. Its quicker to clear the route and start all over again
If you are using the Delete Section feature to delete a sectiom from the end of the route you need to make sure that the red marker is right at the very end of the route (most easily done with the slider) before confirming the delete. You can tell it's at the end as the whole of the section to be deleted wil be whited out with no dashed line to indicate a replacement section.
Alternatively, you can use the Delete Homestetch feature, which is easier for deleting sections from the start or end of the route, as you simply drag the start or ened back alomg the route.
How do I delete the WHOLE ROUTE?
There are instructions for deleting a saved route in this topic: How to Delete a Route
how not to show distance mark ?
How do I delete an un-named, un-saved route - just clear the page! Undo takes for ever.
I see how it's done.