Popular Routes
John, Thanks very much for responding. It's nice to know there's someone out there! I was at home so I'm not sure what the problem was. Anyway, it's OK now. I've been using the site to plan my summer expedition to Rome and back. I'm impressed by the route plotting capabilities especially on the Open Cycle Maps and the ease of downloading my daily routes onto my GPS Bryton Rider50.
Thanks, Nigel
Hi Nigel - were you using the site at work? It could be a proxy server issue on the network you're using. Glad to hear it sorted itself out :-)
As of 11:31 a.m. (13/5/14) this problem rsolved itself! I am using Firefox, but I also checked with Chrome and that was not displaying a map either, but then Chorme refreshed itself and the map appeared. I checked with Firefox and the map displayed there as well. It just shows that if at first things don't work you have to go and make a cup of tea!
As of this morning (10:51 a.m. Tuesday 13 May 2014) no map is displayed on the route plotting page. I have double checked this on bikehike.co.uk and on brytonsport.com and they are not displaying the route plotting map either. Is this an issue with Google licences, or is there another explanation?