Download stuck at 99%FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Fylde Coasters Cycling Club Friday 02 May 2014 17:32:12

    Hi its a great site and will be using it from now on IF i an get it dowloaded direct to my Garmin Edge 500.  At the moment it downloads to 99% then stays stuck there...anyone else had this problem, thanks

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    Fylde Coasters Cycling Club Friday 02 May 2014 18:56:57

    I now saved my route as a TCX file and added to my Garmin manually, but this also soes not work.  Ive had my Garmin for years and know exactly have to add courses to it but it definately doesnt work from this site. it says it has saved it as a TCX file and allows me to drag and drop it to my Garmin (new files) , but nothing appears on courses.  Ive just done the same course on ridewithgps and it worked fine

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 02 May 2014 19:24:32

    Hi Stu - glad you like the site.  Hopefully we can sort the download issue out for you.  Can you let me know what route you are trying to download please and what browser you are using?



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    plotaroute admin   Sunday 04 May 2014 11:00:19

    Quick update - I've found part of the problem, it didn't like the "&" character in the name of the route.  I've put in a fix for this now.  However, it still won't download the route with the directions, only if you exclude the directions, so I need to do more investigation to resolve that.  I haven't come across a problem downloading directions on other routes, so I'm a bit puzzled by this one at present.  Will update you when I know more.


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    Fylde Coasters Cycling Club Sunday 04 May 2014 20:26:27

    many thanks John..ill try and download it now to my garmin..without directions at the moment

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    plotaroute admin   Sunday 04 May 2014 21:40:28

    I think I've managed to find the cause of the problem.  It seems that the Garmin device has a limit on the maximum number of course points (directions) that can be included with each route.  The limit is 100 and the route that I think you were trying to download had 116.  If you can delete some or perhaps combine some I think it should work OK.  Not much we can do about this as this is a limitation of the Garmin device, but we'll add some checks in the download process so that it doesn't get stuck part-way through downloading.


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