Audio recordings that automatically play based on a geo locationFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Helene Plotaroute   Thursday 22 Feb 2024 15:07:44


    the navigation voice of the app has been developped to indicate only directions ("turn right", etc.)
    For instance there is no other indication in our development projetcs. 

    Kind regards

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    Jeremy Simpson Monday 12 Feb 2024 04:25:31

    The best example would be in a museum where people walk around and an audio recording will play when they get close to an exhibit. Kind of Geotagging an audio file but it needs to play automatically when you get close toits location.


    I want something similar but I want an audio file to play when I am at a certain location on my motorbike - for example "we are approaching a historic mill on the left and here are the details of that mill ....

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