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Does the Adjustment for hills consider the grade of a hill? Or is the values simply applied to any positive or negative gain, regardless of grade? Except then for downhills steeper than 12%.
How does the curve look like when the default settings are applied?
Hi Daniel,
The Route Timer estimates times using a variation of Naismith's rule for estimating walking times. This uses an average speed on the flat ground as a baseline and then makes adjustments for hills based on the amount of ascent or descent, effectively reducing your average speed while going uphill and increasing your average speed when going downhill.
Thanks. What curve equation is being used? A 2nd or 3rd order polynomial?
Comparing to Strava's Grade Adjusted Pace, a third order polynomial works pretty fine if using +7m for uphill, -1m for downhill and +3.3m for steep uphill. But if you use a second order polynomial it will be more difficult to get comparable values, while still keeping a 0 adjustment at 0 incline.
I've no idea about the curve equation Daniel, sorry, we only have the information provided below. We follow Naismith's rule, which adds extra distance (effectively time) for every metre of ascent. We then also deduct distance for every metre of descent, deducting different amounts depending on whether it is a shallow gradient or steep one.
Please can someone tell me what is meant by these terms "Ascent/Descent filtered" and "Ascent/Descent raw"?
Sorry it's slightly off topic and a bit basic but I'm new to the platform and haven't found anything to help in the FAQ.
Many thanks!
Maybe these posts will help ....Total height gain?
Elevation Data Upgrade
Thank you Mark.