Popular Routes
Great, thanks for the fast implementation! :)
We've now added support for selecting ranges of routes on your My Routes page using the Shift key to Shift-Select (desktop site only). Thanks again for that great idea Mark.
Another great idea - thanks Mark.
And while thinking about this, could a "shift-select" be implemented?
Excellent, thanks!
Yes Mark, we'll see if we can squeeze that in at some point. We initially thought there wasn't much benefit of doing this as there isn't a lot of difference between clicking on the stars and ticking the boxes, but if you filter the routes so it only shows the ones you want and then use the "select all" option I can see that would save a little bit of time.
Having seen the new addition to Bulk Actions (Add selected routes to a collection), is there any chance of adding the Star feature? I appreciate that it's just a simple click in My Routes, but having to do that 21 times recently made me think that doing it via Bulk Actions would be more convenient.
Could the "Star" function be added to the Bulk Actions, please?
It would complement the implemented "Send routes to a linked app".