"View Route" page - Uneditable textFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Martyn Sandford   Monday 09 Jan 2023 08:29:24

    I've not noticed it before but maybe it's always been present, there is a line of un-editable text on the first page after selecting "view route". For example, on one of my routes it says  "A hilly circular walking route, partly off-road, approximately 3.2 miles long."

    It's not appropriate but I can't see how to edit or remove it.

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    plotaroute admin   Monday 09 Jan 2023 10:40:09

    That's a relatively new change Martyn. Its automatically generated from data available to provide some basic information about the route - length, hilliness, terrain, shape.  Why is it inappropriate though?

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    Martyn Sandford   Monday 09 Jan 2023 13:59:19

    Well, the distance is factual but 'hillines' is relative to the context, e.g., urban vs rural or strolling vs hill walking. What one person thinks of as 'hilly' may not seem so to someone else. I feel the term 'hilly' could put some people off trying one of my walks which I would not class as especially 'hilly'.

    At the very least, I feel the originator of the route should be able to override the default description.

    The additions also seem to make access to the route less immediate than it was before. I struggled to get to a detailed map but maybe it's just a question of familiarity.

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    plotaroute admin   Monday 09 Jan 2023 14:37:00

    The hilliness part of this is just a description of the calculated ascent rate. We describe it as "hilly" if it is more than 20m per mile, but looking at if again I think that should have possibly been 20m per km, which would then result in fewer routes being described as "hilly" and more being described as "moderately hilly" instead.  We'll correct this - hopefully that should help. I do appreciate that it is slightly subjective, but for comparability purposes, we think it's important to have a consistent definition for all routes.  Also, its not possible to make this text editable I'm afraid, as its generated on the fly - it isn't saved anywhere.

    Can you please share a route where it is currently described as hilly but which you consider not to be hilly?

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    Martyn Sandford   Monday 09 Jan 2023 16:49:18

    Here's the route.  Just test walked it this morning.



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    plotaroute admin   Tuesday 10 Jan 2023 11:50:00

    Thanks Martyn. We're going to change it so that this automated text is only generated if you haven't added any of your own notes for the route. 

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    Martyn Sandford   Tuesday 10 Jan 2023 13:36:26

    Excellent. That sounds like the best of both worlds. Thanks for taking time to consider and for finding a good solution.

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