Popular Routes
Perfect, thanks.
We've just implemented this Peter. Here's the latest list. The "Info" PointType should hopefully now be fixed too.
Did you see the diff on dist markers beween fit type 30 and 34?
This is so great!
I did some testing on a long run today. Not all of the new ones are working for me. I will look into it further, but this is how the symbols are visualized in the up-ahead feature on my Garmin Epix.
Thanks Peter, that's very interesting to see the Epix symbols. We'll look into the ones that aren't working.
Thank you so much. This is what it looks like now from your list:
That's great, thanks Peter.
I have successfully verified the list of supported types when downloading a FIT file, in the FIT file itself, and using the FIT SDK in the Android app I'm working on.
Thank you so much for the prompt implementation and Peter for testing and visualization! Simply amazing.
In terms of Garmin device support, I discovered that my Fenix 6s Pro (v23.00) does not display symbols for the new course point types introduced this year with the Fenix 7. (I will raise this with Garmin, hopefully they'll add support to a future firmware version.) Still, the new expanded support by plotaroute is very valuable for me, since I'm working on a CIQ app that displays waypoints and here I support all course point types.